Lets spice things up!

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(Y/n) and Genevieve were playing ball in front of (Y/n)'s house when Genevieve discovered Brandon. He walked out of his house with his friend, who at the time wasn't Chris. The ball was midair, and Genevieve's attention was pulled towards the older boys. The ball bounced onto the ground casuing (Y/n) to look over her shoulder. Her whole mood dropped when she saw him smiling towards them. The two 7 year olds walked over and up to the two which made (Y/n) run up and grab Genevieve by the arm. "Come on Genny. They're mean!"

"Huh...?" She snapped out of it and looked towards her friend. Brandon picked up the ball and handed it to Genevieve. "Thank you...-"

"Brandon!" He interrupted her. "We're not mean (Y/n) how could you say that! You hurt my feelings." The young boy pouted and turned his back towards the girls. His friend laughed and yelled 'yeah!' before repeating his friends actions. Genevieve gasped.

"No she didn't mean that, did you (Y/n)?" She dropped the ball and ran up to Brandon, grabbing his arm and trying to turn him around. He didn't budge. "(Y/n) say sorry!"

"No! Its true, they're lying!" The little girl felt as if she could cry.

"Say it!" Her friend looked so sincere, like she truly felt bad for the boys. What else was (Y/n) to do? Let her friend think she was a liar and never talk to her again?

"I-i..." (Y/n) felt something, something she couldn't explain. "I'm sorry."  It sort of felt like when her mother and Jocelyn didn't believe her, like when your friend tattles on you for something they did. It was a feeling (Y/n) was going to grow a tolerance for.


The morning routine was not broken, and Brandon greeted (Y/n)'s mother with a compliment as she drove off to work. He looked back at (Y/n) and was back to his regularly scheduled harassment. "Mornin' Pip!" (Y/n) glared at him as she walked past. "Oh what no good morning for your favorite person in the world?!" The girl genuinely laughed at his remark.

"I gotta hand it to you, Brandon, you have a future in comedy. Maybe they'll have stand up night in hell!" Brandon paused before quickly running in front of the girl with a panicked look on his face.

"Are you ok, Pip?" He touched her forehead prompting her to slap it away in disgust. "You complimented me!" He hugged her forna quick second before bursting out in laughter. The girl pushed him off and walked faster.  "Oh come on, Pip, take a joke!"

"STOP CALLING ME PIP! MY NAMES (Y/N). IM NOT EVEN SHORT YOU ASSHOLE." The girl screamed. Brandon stood up straight and stared at the girl.

"Jeez I'm able to get that much of a reaction out of you? I'm impressed with myself." He brushed off his shoulders and began to walk by the now angry girl. "See ya later.... Pip!"


(Y/n) sat in her class as her teacher rambling on about something she really didn't care about. She was about to pass out when the bell rang for her lunch to start. All the students rushed out and (Y/n) began her daily routine of meeting Genevieve in the hallway to go to lunch. The two met up and as they walked down the stairs something didn't feel right to (Y/n). She felt like today was going to be different, like today was going to be- She wasn't paying attention and slammed into someone in front of her. He was a calm looking boy curly hair. His calm face turned to concern as he realized that (Y/n) was on the ground.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" (Y/n) couldn't even respond as she admired his soft eyes and strong jawline. "(Y/n)?" She snapped out of it when he called her name, hand stretched out.  She looked around a bit to see Genevieve staring down at her and waiting for her friend to respond.

"U-uh I'm fine!" She grabbed onto his outstretched hand and cleaned her pants off as quickly as she could. "How do you know my name...?" She was taken aback when he lightly chuckled at her confusion.

"We're in the same last period class? AP History!" (Y/n) felt her hand subconsciously moving towards her forehead as she remembered.

"Oh my god, yeah! Yeah! I can't believe I didn't remember that." The two continued to have an actually healthy conversation when Genevieve cut them off.

"(Yyy/nnn) Come on its Mac and Cheese today! I'm getting hungry!" (Y/n) sort of felt betrayed that her best friend would try and rip her away from a boy but she did feel a little guilty about holding her friend up.

"You can go, I'll be here and talk a little more. I-if you're staying." She felt her stomach flutter when he looked her in the eyes to respond.

"We have the same lunch, so yeah I'm staying!" The two chuckled at his response.

"Whatever, I guess I'll do the 'I'm 10 minutes late' walk of shame into the lunchroom." Genevieve sighed and walked away from the two.

"So how come you never talked to me? You sit like right next to me, no?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well behind and across, but I always thought you were too cool for me to talk to. You have like such a cool group of friends and I thought that if I even tried to talk to you they would all find out and like, murder me."

"Murder you!? You're nuts the most they would do is pester you with 'When are you gonna marry her?' 'I want to be maid of Honor!' 'Can I get custody of the dog if you two ever divorce?'" The two burst out laughing at the accuracy of the statements.

"Wait a minute... You still don't know my name!"

"W-what! Yes I do... Its... Uh. Bastian?" He gave her a faked pained look as he held his hand over his head.

"Wow! You dare talk to me when you don't even know my name...!" Though she could tell he was kidding, she couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt in her chest.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! How do I learn your name!?" She played along.

"If you... I don't know... Agree to be my partner for the upcoming History Project?" The two couldn't believe how he had managed to be as smooth as he was, but it worked!

"Why, of course! Its the least I could do." She bowed in order to sell her role and the two laughed.

"Good! And no cheating before then." He stuck out his pinky in order to make the most powerful of promises. (Y/n) giggled, which she would later yell at herself for, and returned the promise.

"Ok, I promise to not learn your name until you are my partner for the project." The two shook and stared at each others eyes for a split second before he blinked and looked away.

"Great, now I have to go and try to convince the History teacher to not say my name during role call." (Y/n) almost burst put laughing when he ran towards the stairwell. She could feel herself biting her lip, something she never saw herself doing for any human being. Little to her knowledge though, a very jealous pair eyes were watching from na round the corner.

Down the hall stood Brandon and Chris, who was not the one who was jealous, if you catch my drift. He swore that if Brandon were any angrier, his hair would transform into literal flames.


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