12am Kisses.

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Second POV-

Jackson watched as you rushed away, pushing kissing teens out of the way and escaping the scene. He knew why, he looked over to see Brandon practically eating Genevieve's face off. He didn't like the scene either, but it didn't make him want to throw up. He knew you were drunk, but the reaction made him realize something. You were still hung up on their relationship, and whether or not he should be scared about that was what really worried him.

Third POV-

Giovanni was brought back to reality when Connor pulled away and stared down at him. His stomach was completely up side down and his face was on fire. Had he really just... "Andy I'm sor-" Connor pulled away but Gio quickly held onto him.

"N-no! I liked it!" He was smiling, feeling both giddy and nervous. Gio looked into his eyes and went in for another kiss, just to make sure these feelings weren't fake due to it being his first kiss. After a few seconds he pulled away for air. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears and he was 100% sure it wasn't just a kiss. Connor was smiling so hard he couldn't feel his cheeks.

"I can't believe you- we just.." The two chuckled. "What do we do now...? I mean do you wanna..." Connor had never kissed someome before, so he truly didn't know what happens afterwards. "Like was this just a New Year's kiss?"

"I don't think is should be." Giovanni was just as scared, but for more reasons than Connor. His mind had time to clear, and he was realizing what he had just done. He began to think about the fact that he was still lying to him about his name, but he was surprised when he began to speak without thinking. "Connor, I like you. I've just never felt this way before." He was staring into his eyes.

"What do you mean? You've never liked anyone before?"

"Well, no. I've never really gotten close to anyone else other than..." Gio looked away, now being forced to realize another problem. He was beginning to wonder what Brandon would think of him, what would he say?
He was looking down, but Connor could see panic in his eyes.

"Hey, look at me." He caressed Gio's cheek. He felt so surprised by his attitude, he always thought he would be the one who would get his cheek held after the first kiss. "You don't need to think about them. They're mean, and they've hurt you. But I'll do my best to help you, as much as I can." Gio was starting to cry, was this what true care felt like? Why was it so different from what Brandon showed. He smiled and hugged the taller male and they stood there together for as long as Gio needed.


The party was still going but (Y/n) wasn't anywhere to he seen. Jackson wanted to leave, but he wasn't going to let her stay here. He searched the house, pushing aside drunk teens and apologizing when he was given glares in return. She wasn't in the bathroom, the kitchen, any of the rooms upstairs, backyard. He informed the other members of the group that he was going to leave after finding (Y/n) until he finally found Beth and repeated his actions. "Oh what happened? Is she ok?" Beth asked. She had been slowly moving towards the door to leave herself, but didn't see (Y/n) running away or Genevieve and Brandon's kiss. Allison was staying with Lainy and Chris who were oddly tame compared to the other couple.

"She... got a little sick. She ran to a bathroom but she never came back." He knew it sounded like she ditched him, but just wanted to find her and leave. He was hurt, but really hated to admit it because he knows how she feels about him.

"Shit, let's go see if she's somewhere in the front. Maybe she went to your car to hide and wait...?" She sounded unsure of her answer, but he would've taken anything to at least get out of the house. The two walked out for the front door and walked across the lawn. They yelled out the missing girl's name, but were given nothing in return. They walked to his car and opened the doors to see the girl sitting in the passenger seat with her legs close to her chest. "(Y/n), oh my god, are you ok?" Beth asked with a concerned look on her face. Jackson stood behind her completely unsure of what to do. She hurt him, but he was glad she was safe, however all at the same time he was being overwhelmed by the urge to just get the hell out of dodge.

"Are you ok, (Y/n)?" Jackson asked. She didn't respond in fear she would puke again, so she simply looked at her two concerned friends. She nodded, though she was felt like shit, both mentally and physically, and just wanted to leave. "Beth, you want a ride?" He asked as he looked down at the girl.

"Uh sure, thank you, Jackson." She gave a small smiled and went to the backseat of the vehicle. After asking for directions, the drive to Beth's house was brutally quiet. Beth felt like she was being suffocated by the tension between the two up front, but she was just glad she was going home. Her night had been sub par, especially seeing as she wasn't updated on Connor's absence and had no one to talk to for the whole party. After about 15 minutes they pulled up to Beth's house. "Thank you for the ride, Jackson." He nodded and replied with a 'No problem' as she got out of the car. "Drive home safe, and feel better (Y/n)." She sympathetically waved at the couple and walk into her house.

The two drove towards (Y/n)'s house in silence. (Y/n) could feel her stomach turning with every bump but all she wanted to do was hug Jackson and apologize for running off. Once they arrived he got out and went around to open her door. "Can... can you walk?" He asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Y-yes..." She quietly spoke, but after a few seconds of her hobbling up to walkway Jackson locked his car and quickly rushed to her aid. Her parents were still not home, so he opened her door and let her in. She thanked him as he closed it and walked her up to her room.

"Stay here, I'll get you water and then I'll go home-" He was about to leave when the girl grabbed his shirt.

"Please, babe, no. Don't leave me, please. I'm sorry for running away, my stomach was hurting and I didn't want to puke on you." He looked at her with sad eyes, he felt so conflicted. After a few moments of thinking he decided he was overreacting and sighed.

"Alright, I'll stay with you tonight. Let me go get the water and lock the front door." She smiled up him which made him melt a bit inside. She removed her hand and he laid a small kiss on her forehead before walking out of the room to retrieve the water.


Sí I drew the picture 🤟😔. I was rushing and still learning how to draw people kissing so please don't bully me

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