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⚠SPOILER WARNING!! THIS DISCUSSES THE ENDING AND SPECIFIC SCENES OF THE BOOK THAT YOU MIGHT NOT BE AT YET!! Do not read if you have not completed the book, its for your own good 🙏 You have been warned 😁⚠

Aaah hello everyone! Its that tine for my usual Q/A session that no one asked for! Seeing as the book has been done for quite some time now, I feel like I owe it to y'all to answer you're questions!

But Steph,,, no ones even asked you any questions.

You're right, me! No one has asked ME questions directly, but I do see most, if not all, of the comments on the book, and there are some frequently asked questions! So, I'm gonna do everyone a favor and answer them to the best of my ability! And I'll let you guys have a spot to ask any extra questions of your own if you so choose. I'll also be asking you guys some questions! The usual ones, yknow? So let's get this show started!

FAQ #1: Why did (Y/n) lie to the principal and Jackson's parents?

Ok I want you all to know that i see this one. I see 👀 I see it 👁👁 my eyes take in all of u guys asking this question. I'm answering it first cause its the reason I started this whole extra chapter... And I'm gonna just say this: some people have terrible stress responses! Ik thats kind of just an excuse for some shitty writing on my part, but I wanted to show that (Y/n) isn't good in stressful situations. I mean she's a highschooler. And when she lied to his dad I had the idea in mind that she was just plain confused that he wasn't there either. She was afraid of the fact that he was gone, and that she was the last person to see him and she was scared she was the reason he ran away. She was processing this all while trying to talk to his dad and she came up with the worst lie to keep things calm foe the time being. She thought she would look suspicious if she was the last one to have seen him AND since they fought it made it all worse for her and she just reacted without thinking. Yeah, she isn't the smartest... but she's a 15 year old kid, she's not gonna know what to do it these types of situations other than try save her back if shit is worse than she thinks.

FAQ #2: Why are they so ugly!?

Yeah I... I mean people aren't ASKING this persay,,, but I see people saying it and I'm like 😀😄😀 I mean it wasnt my intention for them to be ugly... I thought they were fine! Not to mention my art style was in a rough patch,,, I did my best to try and recreate them the picture above 😬 I'll admit Brandon isn't,,, isn't very appealing, but he wasn't mean't to be. Hes not supposed to be appealing to the reader or (Y/n) cause he's not meant to end up with the reader. Obviously there's loopholes cause I think I've seen maybe one or two people say hes alright? But generally speaking hes not supposed to be appealing to the eye cause this story was a little different from my others. The reader doesn't actually end up falling for the yandere, instead she just plains hates him and that doesn't change :)

FAQ #3: What's up with the parents picture?

Ok so I lied, again, no one asked me this, but I saw a question asking if the parents were white. No! They aren't white, I specifically blocked out their faces and stuff to hint at the fact that they don't have a defined face. They're supposed to look like (Y/n), so if you choose to insert ur name and face in the (Y/n) character then u can imagine ur parents or just two people who look sorta like u named Joe and Harriet. Ik its kinda like "well thats stupid" But i was just trying to make the story feel a little more personal, its a work of fiction but this was also the first book that actually featured both parents for (Y/n) and included pictures,,, so. Yeah. And I saw some confusion at that text part in the first chapter, Harriet is supposed to be your mother, and Jocelyn is Brandon's mom. So the blue bubbles are Harriet, great the gray are Jocelyn. At the time she had already had Brandon she was already a mother.

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