In a daze.

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A few weeks had gone by since the Halloween party, and things never seemed worse. Her and Jackson were doing well, they got an A on their history project and their relationship was healthy and alive. What Jackson didn't know was that (Y/n) was using everything in her power not to bring up her disgust for the relationship of her best friend and her enemy every change she got. Genevieve would constantly text her about how surreal it is to finally date her life long crush, and how cute he is, and even sometimes going as far as to send a picture or two of them "cuddling" and smiling at the camera. What really weirded (Y/n) out was that if she was single she wouldn't feel as bad for hating the very concept of them dating. With Jackson, it looked like she was jealous, but she wasn't! She hated the fact that Brandon somehow managed to wiggle his way deeper into her life.


It was a Wednesday which meant that it was there was key club. The group met up and this time Jackson tagged along because he was going to drive him and (Y/n) back to her place now that he's able to. "Wow (Y/n) way to show off!" Genevieve poked fun at her best friend who only blushed in return.

"He's driving us home after this, plus Hepard said it was cool!" She smiled at Jackson who felt a little uncomfortable sitting next to (Y/n) while doing nothing.

"Well wheres Brandon, Gene?" Connor butted in.

"He wouldn't show up, but he's gonna meet me and walk me to his house!" She smirked and replied to an email requesting tutoring. (Y/n) was relieved that she didn't bring him here, she wouldn't feel safe. "But anyway, (Y/n) have you gotten any calls? We get so many email that I'm surprised we haven't gotten any calls-" All of a sudden, though by miracle because there was no signal in the building, her phone began to ring.

"Oh boy, our first caller..." Her and Genevieve exchanged a playfully pained expression before she giggled and picked up the phone. "Hello this is (Y/n) from CGHS Key club, how can I help you?" For once (Y/n) was pleasantly surprised to hear someone she did not know.

"H-hi my name is..." Giovanni panicked and looked around the room. The only thing he could see was a DVD box of The Walking dead with Andrew Lincoln on the cover. "Andrew. I'm a sophomore in highschool and I was wondering if I could get some help in math."

"Andrew? Is this Andrew Freely? Is this a prank because Andrew your the best person at math that I've ever met." Gio freaked out and began to bite his nails. He was smiling wildly, something he did when he was nervous though now it only gave more evidence that this was a prank.

"N-no! I'm Andrew Ga-" He paused quickly before saying his last name. "Ghastly."

"Ghastly? I've never heard that name before." (Y/n) looked around the room but no one knew who he was.

"I don't go to your school. I... I go to the academy." He hoped with all his might that they would be ok with that, because if they weren't Brandon would drop him and never talk to him again, he just knew it.

"Oh, well... That's cool, its for the district so.... Your in luck, Andrew! We have two very good mathematicians at your service!" Gio breathed a breath of relief while covering the mic on his phone.

"Thank you. Can you come over tomorrow? I have a t-test Friday, and I don't know anything!" He was starting to like lying on the phone, no one could see his face.

"Sure! Do you know where the school is? We can meet up after school to stu-"

"N-NO!" The group turned their attention back to (Y/n), whose phone just screamed loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm sorry... I don't want to go through the trouble of getting into the school somehow, can we just do it at my house please?" He waited for an answer, but they stayed silent. He realized it started to sound like he wasn't a student, but someone more dangerous. "I have severe anxiety, please... I would breakdown if I had to go in and talk to the office people." Deep down he knew lying about mental illness was wrong, but his need to get (Y/n) away from the group was overpowering his moral compass.

"Oh I see... I suppose I can come to your house. Just give me your address and I'll notify you when I'm on the way."

"Thank you!" He proceeded to give his address and information for her to text him, and hung up the phone. He then texted Brandon that (Y/n) would be coming over to tutor him go which he received a 'good job.'


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