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Brandon sat on his couch as he stared at the black screen on the TV. He saw the flashing blue lights outside, and he couldn't ignore the fact that they made him scared. His mom was out, she's always out these days. He didn't blame her, but he was lucky he was 18 or he would really have to worry if the cops came and asked him questions.

As if he was psychic, the door jolted as as someone knocked. Brandon had his arms crossed along his body. He slowly rose as he walked towards the door. "Police!" Brandon jolted at the yelling. He took a deep breath, then opened the door to two officers standing in front of the door. "Hi, I'm Officer Geom, this if Officer Handon, we're here to see if you have any knowledge of the missing students."

"Sure yeah come on in." He put on an act, acted innocent as he could, and mobed out of the way for them to enter the home. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked, walking to the kitchen.

"No, thank you son." Said the Officer Geom, who sat at his dining room table. Brandon's blood boiled slightly as he heard the word son. He grabbed his phone and walked to the table where the two officers sat. He checked his phone and sighed.

"Sorry, just a little worried about something." He spoke as he looked up to the police.

"Its understandable, its scary wondering what happened to those kids."

"Yeah... on top of that my girlfriend hasn't texted me in like a few days... I'm getting really worried y'know?" He nerboudly chuckled.

"Young love, hope she texts ya. I'm sorry to change the topic, but can you tell us if you know any of these names?" Brandon nodded and listened as they began to ready off names.

"Connor Yelon, Genevieve Vunce-"

"Genevieve!?" Brandon interrupted. "T-thats thats my girlfriend!" His face grew more and more worried.

"Really? Then you're a student at the highschool?" The cops perked up.

"Y-yeah. I heard about some of those kids, they're her friends... I saw them a few days ago, one by one they just kept missing days. Started with Genevieve's best friend's boyfriend... Jackson, I think? He's with (Y/n) (L/n). My neighbor." He poured out the entire story to the cops, what he "knew" at least. They nodded with every detail.

"And do you have any idea where they could be? Any leads-" before Officer Geom could finish his sentence,his partner interrupted him.

"Do you understand you're a suspect, son?" Handon spoke bluntly. "You know these kids, you have a connection to them. You are a prime suspect." Her glare made Brandon sit straight up in the chair.

"Y-yeah... I understand. I'm the boyfriend of one of the suspects... I don't have any leads, really. Genevieve had a fight with (Y/n) and she left around the day after." The two cops looked at each other.

"Do you mind if we check the house?" Handon spoke. "We have a warrant if you want to see it, but we want to make sure." Brandon stayed silent for a moment, he was sweating bullets. He couldn't exactly say no, he was backed into a corner.

"Of course... Yeah." He looked down in a sort of defeat as the officers got up and looked around the house. They checked his room, and found nothing. Checked in any extra rooms, and found nothing. They slowly walked towards the basement door. This was the moment of truth, and Brandon was trying to hide the fact that he was shaking. The officers shared a glamce at each other, as they almost fully expected to find what they needed down there... but u pom opening the door, they saw nothing. They went down and turned on the light, but found nothing. Not a single piece of evidence, not even a hair. Handon looked at Goem in pure confusion, she truly thought he had something. The two walked upstairs and met Brandon, who was standing in the hallway with a solemn expression. The two were about to leave when Handon held back Goem.

"Do you have an attic, hon?" Her eyes met Brandon's, who met hers with slight annoyance. He looked as if he had been caught, and the fact that they thought of the attic made him a bit scared.

"Yeah.. Yeah I do." He slightly sighed and walked to cops to the attic door. "Just throigh there..." The cops nodded and opened the door. The two walked up, but were unable to walk on the actual boards as they were too weak to support them. They took out flashlights and scanned the room. Nothing. Brandon smirked as they sighed and walked back to the second floor. Brandon looked back at the two and tried not to laugh.

"Good. Nothing here, we'll let you know anything new. Please, if you hear about anything, let us know." Geom nodded and thet walked down the stairs and out of the house. Brandon closed the door and let out a dark chuckle. He opemed his phone and called Chris.

"They're gone. Asked me questions, and even searched the house." He laughed out.

"That mean they're coming to my house?" His tone wasn't as joyful as Brandon's."

"Nah, no way! Well... Maybe if Allison snitches on you or something. Thought that wouldn't have happened if we just took her and Lainy." Chris went even more silent then he was. He knew that if he was dating Lainy he would've had to take her in, so he dumped her, and said that she did the honors to trick Brandon. "It's whatever. My house is clear for tonight and maybe tomorrow. Bring em over now so I can have some fun."

"Yeah alright..." He hung up and Brandon resat himself in front of the TV, watching as the light still flashed. He was lucky that there was road behind his house.


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