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Beth's POV-

I sat on the edge of my seat as I stared at Allison. "You do know that if we do this... And they aren't there... We'll be the ones getting jail time?" I spoke slowly. The look on her face suggested that I was the crazy one.

"Beth, look in me in the eye right now and tell me you think Brandon is innocent." I looked her in the eye, but I knew he wasn't. I sighed and looked down. "Exactly. We need to do this. I know they're there, if not then thers has to be evidence I can't just feel it, Beth, trust me." She stood up and put her hand out for me to take. I hesitated, trying to contemplate how many years we can get for breaking and entering, but eventually I took her hand and stood up.

"Let's go." She nodded and pulled me out of my living room and towards the door. "I'll be back, mom!" I said in a stern voice, and my yelled back an 'Ok, be safe!' before we closed the door.

Allison and I ran to her car and we drove towards (Y/n)'s house. My stomach was in my throat as well didn't speak the whole time. Every so often I would look over to see Allison's concentrated face, I admired how she was able to keep a straight face in such a scary time. After felt like forever, but also an instant, we pulled up to (Y/n)'s house. Her house lights were off and there were no cars in the driveway. I assumed the parents were out looking. We parked a couple houses down and we start walking back when we turned and headed to Brandon's house. For a moment everything was silent. It was almost 8pm, but there was no one to be seen, and the neighborhood seemed quiet... Until we heard what sounded like ahigh putched muffled buzzing noice. We look at each other bedore pressing our hears against the door. The noise seemed to change in pitch, which immediately told us what we needed to know before we acted without thinking. Allison quickly pulled out a credit card and started to break into the house. I reacted and pulled out my phone to call the police.

3rd person POV-

Time was moving at a snails pace as Brandon moved the blade up to Connor's throat. He was crying, but at this point he couldn't tell from what. His heart hurt from the betrayal but the overwhelming fear of dying was pretty present in his mind. He felt the coldness of the knife press against his skin before he felt a stinging sensation. It was clear that Brandon was going to go nice and slow. The pain was slightly masked by the fact that his body was numb due to his petrified state.

Brandon was about to move the blade when he heard ruffling from next to him, to which he looked over to see Jackson running towards him. "WH-" Before he could even speak he was body checked onto the floor. Giovanni watched in both horror and relief as his friend his the ground and Connor pulled away from the blade. Jackson was trying to keep the knife away from him as Brandon writhed underneath him. Chris watch in fear as he didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Brandon because he was his friend, but he was acting like such a monster that he was too scared to put his emotional feelings over his morals. Gio was in a similar predicament, however this was a fight between the only two people he's ever cared about. Brandon swung and nearly sliced Jackson, to which (Y/n) screamed and tried to grt out of the chair as much as she could. Gio looked over and was about to finally help out been he heard footsteps from above.

"Someone's here!" He half shrieked and ran towards Connor to try and resuce him. Connor flailed in his arms as he immediately assumed he was going to be attacked again. Chris finally stepped in and tried to pull Jackson off in order to have him save the girls, but this came off as him trying to help Brandon. Brandon swung again, this time cutting a large gash in Jackson's upper arm, to which he yelled in pain. The lack of strength on that side heled Chris pull him up but he was suddenly pulled before from a strange weight being added to his back.

"LET GO OF HIM!" Allison screamed as she clung onto Chris' back. Everyone turned their attention to the two new voices and teens who had entered the basement. Allison hpuched him as much as she could before he dropped Jackson onto the floor. Jackson tried to quickly get towards (Y/n), but was tripped by Brandon.

"Allsion please I was trying to help!" Chris yelled out, but she didn't stop.

Beth looked in fear as she scanned the room, only to land on Connor flailimg in Giovanni's arms. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She yelled as she ra over to the two. Gio looked up in fear, though unfortunately he was laughing, and let Connor go. Beth grabbed Connor and pulled him away, this time he was calm as he knew the voice that was helping him. The two stepped back from Gio who was too scared to try and defned himself. She knew who he was, even if she knew the wrong name, Connor had shown her pictures. "I fucking knew you couldn't be trusted! I knew it!" She yelled as she tried to move back, but Connor's dead weight was hard to carry. He was leaning on her for support as he was still bound.

"N-no you don't- it's not- it's a misunderstanding!" He stammered.

Genevieve, who was no really near any of the action, was still crying on the floor, but she was trying to get the attention of either of the teens who could actually help her.

(Y/n) was still stuck in the chair, but she was moving so much that she fell. Jackson, who was trying to recover from being tripped, just barely reached for (Y/n)'s now close bond before Brandon cut him on the back of his forearm. He let out another cry as he was now bleeding out of two cuts from that arm. His legs were tangled in Brandon's as he tried to hold him back. Brandon swiped away, just trying to hurt him at this point rather than defend himself, but Jackson was pulling away to tend his wounds. Brandon took this as an opportunity to free himself from the floor and run up to the tied girl on the chair. Jackson saw this but was kicked as he accidentally tripped Chris and Allison.

The whole scene was intense, but it was a true fight for survival as the teen's adrenaline was pumping.

Chris and Allison fell, but Chris turned to the side to try and catch himself with his hands. Allison held on but let go to try and catch herself as well. Beth finally undid Connor's binds and he stood up on his own to look at Gio. He was crying, and was about to start arguing with him before he heard Jackson scream "LET HER GO!" The whole room looked towards Brandon, who was holding the knife up to (Y/n)'s throat. The room went silent. Brandon was backed into a corner, but he had a semi clear path towards the stairs, so he tigheted his grip on the girl and hold the knife closer.

"Alright. One fucking move and she gets it, I dont care anymore!" Everyone stood still. Jackson would've moved but not only was he bleeding, but he knew that Brandon wouldn't hesitate. Brandon started to inch his way towards the door and past the teens. Allison and Chris laid on the floor, but didn't dare move, and Beth, Connor, Gio, and Gen were too far to move discreetly. The two got to the stairs when a siren noise made it's way to Brandon's ear. "Fuck." He chuckled as he looked at the teens. Now it was his turn to choose between life or death.


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