He Chose "Death." (Alternate Ending)

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The sirens were getting louder as the teens stood in the basement. The atmosphere of the room was thick with fear and uncertainty. Brandon pushed the knife closer to (Y/n)'s throat with every second. She didn't dare move, but she was switching her gaze from each of her friends and captor's friends.

Brandon was rather conflicted. On one hand, he could give up the whole thing and run away into the woods. He could continue living, having known that he couldn't have done anything else, and moved on with his life as they suffered from the PTSD. Or, he could turn himself in, and possible get out later on to torment them in the future. Upon thinking further into his two options, he was slowly beginning to realize that he had no true reason to doing any of this. She didn't love him, she was never going to love him, he had committed a crime for seemingly nothing and this was all... pointless. He didn't love Genevieve, and in the end he didn't truly gain anything from doing this. His plan failed.


But really, what did he care?

He didn't need reason, he just wanted to get her attention. All of this, was for her attention. He wanted to make them miserable- miserable for making him go insane and obsess over someone who doesnt love him. 'Thats it! He thought. 'It's all their fault! This is a revenge story...' He didn't truly believe himself, but it was enough to push him towards a decision.

"Alright.. You win." A sinister smile crept onto Brandon's face as he lowered his knife from the girl's neck. She visibly relaxed, and the group of teens did too, but it wasn't enough for them to react. Brandon chuckled before plunged the knife into the girl's thigh, and threw her to the ground. "And that's for everything, (Y/n)." He spit out as he ran up the stairs. Jackson yelled out the girl's name as she fell to the floor, and blood began to rush out of her leg. Allison, Chris, and Jackson all tried to make their way to her, though Jackson was having trouble himself. Beth quickly ran over to Genevieve to under her binds.

"BRANDON!" Giovanni yelled as he tried to run to his companion, who he didn't know how to feel about. His whole world was turn over, Brandon had betrayed him. However, against his better judgment, Connor held the boy back from running off, and Gio quickly realized he shouldn't run after him and gave up rather quickly as he shrunk in his former lover's arms.

The red haired male laughed as he turned to the front door, and the lights of the police cars soon came into view from the windows of the front of the house. He snickered as he slowly walked to the front door. He opened it to shield himself from their view, but just enough for him to shout out. "Hold your fire!"

"Come out with your hands up, Brandon Skitz." Brandon laughed, and opened the door to see two cop cars stationed in the front of his house. The sirens were loud, and he could hear other cars coming. The cops were pointing their guns at the boy.

"All this for me!? You shouldn't have!" He exited his house and stood with his hands up. "They're in the basement boys." Was all he said before the cops ran up to him and threw him to the ground. Brandon drowned out the sounds as he looked ahead, he was replaying the events of the past few days in his head, and all he could see was the terrified look in (Y/n)'s eyes as he was dragged to the cop car.


"I did it all, your honor, I did everything." The group of teens sat in the courtroom with their families as Brandon spoke. He was on trial, though he was confessing everything he did.

"And why are you blatantly stating this, Mr.Skitz? You do realize you are about to be put in prison for the kidnapping of four teenagers and torturing them over the course of a few days. You are also on trial for the murder of Jocelyn Skitz, all of this evidence stacks up against you, so do you really need to tell us you did it all?" The judge seemed tired of his act already.

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