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After the teens left the chinese restaurant, the group went their own ways, though some decided to stay connected to certain people.

Genevieve moved to Maine, as she didn't want the chance of running into anyone from the group. She became a recluse in her last few years of high school. She opened up more in college to mask her underlying trauma, and ended marrying a guy she met in her Junior of college. Later on down the line she had 3 kids with him, and never got back in contact with anyone from the group. At some point she realized she was more at fault than she realized, but she continued to be in denial and kept to herself and her family.

Connor stayed in the district he was moved to, and finished high school with new friends. He stayed in contact with Allison and Beth, surprisingly, and sometimes texted (Y/n). He came out as gay after a rough break up with a girl in his senior year of high school. He still thinks about Giovanni from time to time, but knows he shouldn't risk the trouble of finding him. He married a man he met a few years into college and lives happily with him in California.

Allison and Beth further developed their friendship into a full on relationship. Beth realized her feelings sometimes after the restaurant incident, and the two began dating, and are now married. With some help from some friends they were able to have 2 children of their own, and they do their best to visit Connor and his husband from time to time. They still see (Y/n) and Jackson as well, though it is not as often. The two live in California just a couple towns over from Connor.

Lainy stayed where she was, and never ended up moving. She secretly dated Chris, and continued to do so until they were able to legally change the restraining order against him. This caused a falling out with Allison, as she didn't like the fact that she stayed with someone who helped kidnap their friends, but Lainy was so blind from him trying to save her, she continued to love him. The two ended up marrying each other and having 4 kids sometime down the line. They stayed in the same area where she grew up and Chris vowed to be a better father. Lainy never regretted her decision to stay with him, and she blames her friends leaving her on them "growing out of the friendship."

Giovanni ended up moving to North Dakota, and graduated from a public school. His case against the Tamptons was reopened, and he was found innocent, though not much changed. He struggled getting over the pain of losing Connor, and tried to find him for a year, but gave up. He discovered that he was asexual, though he is in a romantic relationship with another man he met sometime in college.

(Y/n) and Jackson were finally able to talk about what happened, and began dating again sometime after. They truly understood the other's pain, which brought them comfort. For a while they seperated while they went to college, but got back together and married a few years later. They couldn't stay in the same place as where they were traumatized, so they moved to Oregon after they got married. They decided to not have kids, as they just couldn't handle that with the trauma they faced. They live happily together, sometimes visiting Allison and Beth, and keeping in contact with Connor. Every now and then Jackson and (Y/n) find themselves going over their past, and try to not forget what happened to them back in high school.


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