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Three little boys hung out on the school playground. Those little boys were Brandon, Chris, and Giovanni.

Brandon met Chris at the beginning of the year and connected right away due to his pushover personality.

Chris was a small skinny child who looked as if he never was able to develop social skills. Brandon would later in the year find out this was because his mother homeschooled him up until she died a few months before he attended 7th grade. His father turned into an abusive and cold man, who, surprisingly wasn't drunk all the time, just worked to the bone now that he had to take care of a young boy, alone, full time, while also having a full time job. Though, he never quite had a good relationship with his son to begin with. Chris was a true mama's boy through and through, and this made his father upset and once his wife died he didn't know what to do with his son. He was overwhelmed, and tired, and just wanted to come home and sleep but he had to be a father at the end of the day, and that's when he lets it out on his son.

Brandon was the first person to ever talk to him, and showed to be the only one willing to be his friend in the new school. He quickly became attached becuase of this, which would lead to the two being attatched at the hip. Though Brandon couldn't forget Giovanni, another special person on his life. He was the only one from his former group that still talked to him after he was held back, guess they were too cool for their former leader. So Brandon introduced his two best friends, but Chris felt as if something was off with Giovanni. Whether it was the way he always smiled at him, or if it was the way he looked at him or Brandon. However he did not truly find out why he didn't trust Gio until the day "the incident" happened.

~FlAsHbAcK eNd~

(Y/n) woke up with a bad taste in her mouth. She couldn't sleep in her bed so she had slept on the couch, claiming that she needed to clean her sheets cause they "smelt like her." She also expected to not be picked up by Jackson in morning, so she got up earlier and started to get ready for school.

She walked out of her house and began to walk down the walkway when she heard giggling. She looked towards the source and saw Genevieve looking up at Brandon as he locked his door. The two were hugging, more so that Genevieve was pressed up against him like she would fall if he wasn't there. He looked over towards (Y/n) and smirked a bit as she tensed up. Genevieve quickly looked over and scowled at her friend, but didn't want to say anything. The two began walking while (Y/n) stood in her walkway to let them get ahead of her. Her stomach was churning and she was forcing down the sick feeling in her stomach. She began walking once they were out of view. The walk to school was silent.


The day scraped by and the only thing on (Y/n)'s mind was going back home and taking a long nap. She had noticed that Jackson wasn't there that day but she didn't want to think about him right now. She skipped lunch and sat in the hall for her next class. She didn't even bother going to try and make amends with Genevieve as she knew it would be pointless. She wanted to block out the entire world, but she knew that would be almost impossible as the school was only so big. The closest she got to talking to someone was when she bumped into Connor sometime in the morning, but she stayed silent.


The next day passed, and so did the next. Nothing happened, and the pattern of getting scowled at in the morning and ignoring the entire school for the day repeated itself. Though the days felt the same, and blended together, she was starting to worry when Jackson didn't show up to school on the third day. She hadnt heard form him and she was beginning to thing that it was time to finally talk about what happened. She had texted him, "I'm sorry, can we please talk about what happened?" But to her chagrin, he did not respond. She contemplated just going to his house but she feared that she would open up the door to his tear stained face, and he would look down to her like she had broken him. She knew she had hurt him, but she couldn't fully admit it to herself.

The weekend passed, and he still had not shown up on the following Monday. She was becoming more worried by the second. Her history teacher had asked her if she knew where he was in private but she said she had no idea. She was getting desperate, why was he not there, or answering her?

She approached the lunchroom and every step she took, they drained her of her pride. She finally reached the table where her friends sat and laughed, but immediately stopped once she arrived. That hurt, but she tried to ignore it by forcing herself to speak. "H-have any of you guys seen Jackson?" She was met with a scowl and pity-fulled faces.

"No...? He hasn't been in class the last few days, fact I haven't him since his birthday.." Beth spoke slowly. Allison nodded slowly.

"Well, he was at your house last, right (Y/n)? I heard you two fighting so maybe he ran away." Genevieve shot out without hesitation. It was as if she had said it before, like she had it loaded into her gun and was just waiting to pull the trigger. (Y/n) widened her eyes at the statement and allowed her jaw to drop.

"I just wanted to double check. Too bad one of you have a borderline molester's dick too far down her throat." She smirked, she had that one waiting up her sleeve ever since he forced her up against her house. Genevieve's mouth, along with half the table's, dropped open.

"Excuse me?! You're still on about that, (Y/n)? Grow the fuck up, you're just angry cause you fucked up your relationship because you can't stop obsessing about MY boyfriend." (Y/n) scoffed at the statement.

"Fuck you, Genevieve." The girl stormed off, kicking herself for even thinking that they could help her. As if her day wasn't already ruined she hit into a wall on her way out of the cafeteria. She looked up to see Brandon smirking down at her. Her stomach flipped and she forced herself not throw up as she ran to the girls restroom.


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