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Three little boys hung out on the school playground. Those little boys were Brandon, Chris, and Giovanni. It was late in the evening and the three were all sitting in a triangle formation between the swings and the end of a slide. They had forgotten the time, and were reminded when a car pulled up in the parking lost of the school. The heads of the three boys snapped towards the light of the car. Brandon rolled his eyes at the older male that stepped out of the car, but Chris had an opposite reaction. His heart began to race as he saw his fathers silhouette. "Chris, what the hell do you think you're doing!?" A loud voice boomed through the playground.

Chris quickly jumped up from the swing but froze in place. "I-i'm sorry! I lost track of time."

"Do you have any idea what I was thinking when I came home to you not being there?! I wonder what the fuck is up there in that skull of yours." Chris wiped away a tear as he stood in place. "Well come on! Grab your bag, we're going home." Chris was shaking but knew that if he obeyed his orders he would go easy on him later.

Brandon hopped off the end of the slide and stood up front of Chris. Giovanni sat on the swing as he began to nervously smile. "Hey, calm down dude, we were just hanging out." Chris' dad rolled his eyes as he began to walk towards the boys. He had never liked Brandon, and barely paid attention to Gio. Chris shook in fear and was about to run to get his backpack when Brandon reached behind him and held onto his arm. "Don't move Chris, you don't have to be scared." Chris immediately felt calm at his words as he truly believed every word Brandon said.

"Get away from my kid, Brandon!" The father finally reached the two and pushed him aside while grabbing his son. Chris winced in pain as he was ripped away from his friends grip.

"Hey, you're hurting him!" Brandon tried to push the older male down but he was 2 times larger than him. Brandon panicked as his friend was being dragged by his father whose grip on his arm grew visibly tighter. He ran to his bag and pulled out the only thing he could think to grab. Gio saw the glare, instantly knew what it was, and quickly rushed in to stop him.

"Brandon, no!" He lagged a bit behind but was able to intercept Brandon as he was about to swing at Chris' father.

"What the fuck?!" The man yelled as he moved back. Brandon took this moment of confusion and tried again to swing, but Gio grabbed his hand and ended up making matters worse. It was all a blur, and before they knew it there was a females voice calling out from the school building.

A loud groan, turned into scream of pain escaped the older males lips as he threw his son to the ground. Out of his blurry, tear filled, vision, Chris saw his father's silhouette. It was bent over and he saw something drip out of his arm as he grabbed at it. He watched as what looked like Gio fell to the ground with a switchblade in his hands. Brandon had fallen back from Gio pushing him. "What's going on over there?!" The female yelled. She couldn't see, as the car was in the way, but she heard the screams and was starting to run towards the scene.

As the woman came upon the scene she saw blood on the woodchips, and the three boys on the ground. Giovanni was trying to regain wind in his lungs and Brandon was frozen in place. His Gio's hand was the blade, making him seem like the culprit. Chris was on the ground, wide eyed as he looked at the lady. She gazed in horror as she trailed her vision to the older man who was holding his arm in pain. The woman panicked and called the police, and while Brandon tried to say it was his blade, none of the adults believed him. Gio started laughing and smiling during the whole investigation and did not have his parents there to help even, though even with his Brandon trying to explain that he had a medical condition, it didnt help. It also didn't help that Gio wouldn't stick up for himself. He was afraid of hurting Brandon's reputation and was so overwhelmed by the situation that he shut down.

The adults, and even Chris, blamed it all on Gio. The father obviously pressed charges, and though Gio was begging accused of a very serious crime, he was let off with insanity and the court went easy on him because he was a minor. The parents knew he didn't do it, but offered to pay the cost of the father's stitches. Gio was sent to the academy, and put under strict order to stay away from Chris and his family.

~Flashback end~

Another two days had passed and (Y/n) was on full panic mode. She was about to go to his house when she had received a phone call from a random, but familiar number. "Hello..?"

"Hey (Y/n)! Its me, Jack, Jackson's dad. I was just wondering when you think you'll be releasing the prisoner." He chuckled at his joke but this only left (Y/n)'s heart to drop to the floor.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she innocently as she could, but she couldn't hide the shaking in her voice.

"Sorry, just a bit of dad humor. But I mean when do you think Jackson will be coming home? I'm fine either him staying over we just miss him over here at Casa De La Ophil." Like his repeated chuckled, (Y/n) once again felt her heart drop, as if it wasn't already low enough.

"Uh..." She paused, what would she say? Was he lying to his parents and saying he was at her house? If so... Where was he? Why wasn't he at home? Could it be why he didn't respond to her? "He's... I don't know. He said he was gonna move in!" She panicked and joked.

"Oh really? Is that so?" She could hear the smile on his face which told her that he bought it. "Well if thats so, I guess you and your parents could do us a favor and pay for his college tuition and car insurance!" The two shared another laugh, but all this laughter was going to drive (Y/n) crazy. "Imagine if it were that easy, huh?"

"Haha... Yeah..."

"Welp, figured I would ask, but please do me a favor, (Y/n)." She felt like she was being pulled back to reality when he called her name. "Could you try and find out when he might come home? I don't want him overstaying his welcome, yknow? I know your parents like him but he can become quite the handful after a while!" She knew he wasn't serious, and could sense the underlying sense of being worried in his voice. "Oh and tell him to stop skipping school! I know that not being at home can seem like a vacation, but he knows better than this. I kmow sometimes you judt need a break, but more than two days is just a bit too much."

She paused before answering in a cautious tone. "Of course... I'll do that Mr.Ophil!" The two said goodbye and she hung up the phone. She paced around her room, she was really worried. He wasn't home, he wasn't there, he wasn't going to school. The thought of him staying at one of his friend's house crossed her mind, but she knows one of them would've texted her about it. She heard her name get called by her mother to come and eat dinner. She put on her mask of everything being alright and left her room to eat.


The next day as school (Y/n) was called down to the office during 6th period. She had a feeling it was going to be because of Jackson, so every step she took toward the office felt like she was walking to her doom. Her palms were moist with sweat as she entered the office. "Hello... You wanted to see me?" She shyly spoke. One of the office assistants pointed towards the principal's office, and her stomach dropped. She nodded and walked into the room.

"Ah, hello (Y/n)! Don't worry, you aren't in trouble just got a few questions for you about a student." He gestured for her to sit across from him, and she slowly did as told. "Ok, so, let's get started. As I'm told from Ms.Hepard, you and this person are very close, and they have been absent the past few days." He typed into his computer, possibly bringing up a picture. (Y/n) stirred in her seat as she awaited to see a picture of Jackson. "So... hopefully you can help us, but by any chance have you seen or heard from Genevieve Vunce?"


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