Christmas Eve! (Part 2)

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The room was full of talking and excited teens. (Y/n)'s parents had prepared a bunch of food and went out with Brandon's mom for the night. They were eating and playing games and as they settled down the moment they had been waiting for all week had arrived "PRESENT TIME!!" Genevieve screamed as she ran towards the tree. The rest of the group cheered and jumped up to follow her. They each grabbed their present and got into a circle.

"Alright who first?" Lainy asked. They all quickly agreed on a quick game of bubble gum bubble gum, a game where everyone puts their foot into the circle and one person goes around singing "Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish?" and whoever it landed on would start. Genevieve sung the tune and to her surprise it landed on Brandon.

"Ooh ooh you babe!" She squeaked. He smiled and looked down at his box.

"Well, in short, I'm so sorry Lainy I had no idea what to get you." The group laughed, even (Y/n), though it was a light chuckle. She didn't know how to feel now that he wasn't harassing her 24/7. He handed her the gift.

"Thank you, Brandon." She put it down in front of her. "Alright, I got Genevieve!" The girl in question squealed for the 53948th time that night and eagerly took the present. It was nicely wrapped and she was using all her willpower not to tear it open.

"I got so lucky with this one!" For some reason (Y/n) thought she meant her, and was a little hurt whe the girl turned to Brandon. "Here you go Brandon, Merry Christmas!" The whole group playfully 'WOO'D' as he took the present, rolling his eyes with a grin on his face. They repeated the tune again. (Y/n)'s finger ended up on Allison after another game of bubble gum.

"Oh wow, me. Here you go Beth, Merry Christmas." She smiled and handed her the gift.

"Thank you!" She had slight disappointment in her voice, which she hoped no one would pick up on. She had hoped someone else got her present for her. "Anyway, this was the toughest shit ever to buy but, here you go Jackson." He chuckled while taking the present into his hands.

"I bet, I'm so mysterious." He nudged (Y/n) as an inside joke, earning a genuine smile from his girlfriend. "Connor!" He spoke slightly louder than normal. "Here's your worst Christmas present ever!" The boy sheepishly grabbed the present.

"Thank you, Jackson." He said almost too softly. Jackson asked if he was actually sad he had gotten him as a Secret Santa, judging by his reaction.

"Oh don't take it personal. Hes just a little heartbroken cause Andrew couldn't make it to our little get together." Genevieve pat him on the back as he shook his head.

"Its tragic, but that doesn't mean I still couldn't get a dope ass present!" He shifted his tone to a lighter one. "Happy Chrimis, (Y/n)" She laughed and took the present into her hands.

"Thank you, Connor! And last but not least! Merry Christmas, Allison!" She handed her friend the box earning a very happy cheer from the group.

"That was such a random pick!" Lainy added before everyone tore into their presents. The air filled with the sound of tearing paper and ripping open boxes.

"Oh my god, Lainy this is so sweet! And my favorite animal!" Genevieve pulled out a stuffed animal fox that said 'push me' on it.

"Isn't it so cute! You can record anyone saying something on it, and you can even erase it to record something new!" Genevieve popped up and ran over to give the young girl a hug.

"Oh sweet!" Jackson spoke. "Beth how did you know I needed money for my phone?" He took out the card and saw that it was worth $35.

"Oh Yknow, luck!" She chuckled, giving (Y/n) a wink on the side as a thank you.

"What'd you get babe?" Jackson turned his attention to (Y/n) who was laughing with a very red face.

"Connor you are so dead!" She yelled as she took out the box of condoms and threw it at his head. He bursted out in laughter. He had also gotten her pop of her favorite characters but she couldn't focus on it for too long.

"Listen your a young couple! Gotta stay protected!" He barely finished the sentence before cracking up. She shook her head, looking back at Jackson who was now blushing harder than she was. The group noticed and pointed it out, having a good laugh at the couple. "Hey but at least Jackson knows how to give people gifts!" He turned his attention to the box in his lap. "He got me a really cool sweater and a vinyl for my absolute favorite Mr. Harry Styles! Thank you so much dude what the fuck. How much was this?!"

"Not much actually! My uncle works at a shop and said that since I worked in his shop when I kid he could give me deals on that type of stuff it was basically a steal." The group couldn't believe he had gotten such a thing for a cheap price, but didn't further question it, just stored the information in their brain for any further use.

"Allison oh my god..." Beth whispered. She wanted to keep the gift a secret from the group which wasnt hard as everyone else was yelling over each other. "You really didn't have to.." She had gotten her 2 books; one named They Want to Know: How to Tell Your Crush and the other, We are Hidden. Allsion simply nodded at her friend and looked down at her box.

"Damn (Y/n) you really came through for me." Allison, who was almost not heard over the conversations, spoke up. "I really needed more cleaner for my cleats and the sport stores are all empty, how did you get this?"

"I had a brand new bottle in storage when I thought about trying soccer out last year. My parents had high hopes but I joined Key club instead."

"Brandon this is so beautiful!" Lainy pulled out a necklace locket in the shape of an L.

"Yeah well. I cheated a little and asked Chris what he would get you. I bought it, but take it as its a present from him." (Y/n) looked over to Brandon who she could not believe did something so nice.

"Oh my god..!" Upon opening the locket it had a letter in it. 'Will you go out with me' was written in tiny writing on the note. She began to tear up as she showed the group members. "Oh my god I gotta call him!" She shot up and walked to the kitchen with her phone in hand.

"Oh this is so fun! Brandon Brandon what do you think of my present!?" Genevieve asked with joy. He softly chuckled at her, though it was not fully lighthearted.

"You are crazy..." He spoke as he pulled out a rosegold butterfly knife and an box of heart shaped sweetarts with only the candies saying "Kiss me" on them left.

"What can I say, I know what my baby wants." Genevieve jumped onto the boy to give him a hug, to which he returns, yet still no kiss. The group looked at the knife in his hands and the atmosphere slowly shifted to one of discomfort. (Y/n) felt her stomach drop as Brandon slightly opened his right eyes to get a glance of her shocked face. Jackson, sitting right next to (Y/n) was too focused on the knife to see this happen. After everyone asking, he put the knife in the box for the night.

The group had spent the night together, and slept into the afternoon of Christmas day. Their phones simultaneously going off had woken them all up. They all had to disperse in order to go spend Christmas with their families. They said their goodbyes, their I love yous, and had thanked everyone again for the presents they had received. They were all genuinely happy with what they got, and could safely say it was a nice night. Though, (Y/n) still had a funny feeling in her stomach, as she was forced to realize, in her now lonely state, that Brandon had slept in the same room as her. She was only reassured by the though that Jackson had his arm tightly wrapped around her the whole night offering her both physical and mental protection.


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