Right Under Their Noses.

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Two days had passed since the search had began, and they still had no leads on the missing teens. Brandon had been surprisingly good at staying out off the cop's radar. He would go to school, act as if the situation was really bothering him. His teachers even went easy on him with school work, and praised him for being strong enough to show up to school. Little did they know that everyday the red haired boy closed his front door, laughed at their efforts, and went to his basement to torment the very teens that were missing. Everyday he risked being caught, however, and though he knew he would be charged as an adult, he loved the thrill. He knew that by the end of this he would either end up in jail or dead, so he truly intended on pushing this as far as he could.

Brandon mainly just beat Jackson up, as he was still jealous of the male. He barely touched the girl, though he wanted to, it just didn't seem fair to him somehow. It was too easy. Though, he did have fun teasing Genevieve, Jackson, and (Y/n), by acting as if he was going to kiss her. Sometimes he would have Chris join him, thought it was rare as he would often be too busy watching the other hostage.

Speaking of which....

"Bring him over, I got an idea!" Brandon spoke on the phone before hanging up. The two girls in the basement were looking at each other in fear, as Jackson was the only 'him' they knew of.  He called someone else, and when they picked up Brandon smirked. "Hey man, got a crazy idea, wanna help me out with it?" The responder was hesitant, but they agreed and hung up. (Y/n) could recognize the voice slightly, but her head was spinning and she didn't want to guess what was next. About 10 minutes passed while Brandon seemed to be setting something up. He moved the (Y/n) to a chair, and tied her in. Jackson trued to protest but was so sore that it hurt to breathe. The teens couldn't imagine what could happen, as they had been through hell and back through the past 4 days. Jackson was dragged next to her but just out of reach. If only he were to somehow undue the bandana tying his hands together. Geneveie was brought opposite of them, laying here against the leg of a table before Brandon caressed her tear stained cheek.  "Poor Genny... I'm sorry you had to be brought into this.." He chuckled. "But you sure make this a whole lot more fun!" His grin struck her heart as he stood up. "This whole thing... Is just my game!" He boasted. "The point of no return has already been passed, so really, what do I have to lose?" Brandon met his eyes with (Y/n), and it truly struck fear in her heart. She was staring into the eyes of what she could describe as a psychopath. A dead man, who truly didn't seem to be holding back and it hit her so deep that she let out a small yelp. Her blood ran cold.

Her attention was quickly grabbed when the back door to the basement opened. She heard a body get thrown to the floor and muffled yelling. The voice was higher pitched, but it was a male's, so she immediately guessed the first boy in her mind.

"Connor, my boy!"  Brandon laughed out. "You made it to the party!" Brandon aggressively grabbed at the teen's shirt and dragged him to the spotlight. The frightened look on his face never faded as he gazed at his friends. "Now, be a good boy and just stay right here." He walked towards the basement door and went out for a minute before the group of teens heard the front door open. There was talking above and Chris seemed out of it while he stood in the corner of the room.

Silence fell over the basement. As the teens all tried to listen to whoever was upstairs. Jackson looked up at (Y/n) who was shaking, her eyes were wide as she stared at the ground. Connor was trying to piece together was was gonna happen, but the crying of Genevieve was getting to him. Her sobbing was muffled, but he was near her and he swore the room was spinning. He finally came to his senses and sat up. He looked towards Jackson and tried to stand up. Jackson looked over to the struggling boy and widened his eyes, shaking his head furiously. Connor didn't know how serious Brandon was, and was set on escaping.

He finally stood up and walked over to Jackson. He was quiet without his shoes, and he used this to his advantage as he tiptoed over to the boy. His hands were tied too, but he thought he could undo it in time to undo Jackson's. As he drew closer Jackson shook his head even harder, and tried to wiggle away from the approaching male. (Y/n) snapped out of her trance and looked towards the moving boy, soon she took was shaking her head. Connor finally reached the struggling boy, but he was flopping too much for him to be able to undo the bandana, and Connor let out a small grunt in aggravation. He was using his clothed feet as the bonds on his hands were just too tight. The door swung open and Brandon started down the stairs. "Well ladies and gents we got a new..." Brandon finally looked towards the scene of Connor trying to undo the bandana with his feet. Jackson snapped his head towards the captor with fear filled eyes. "Person... What the fuck, Connor?" Chris finally turned around and examined the state of the room, and felt his stomach drop as he laid his eyes on Brandon. "You dirty little..." Brandon's voice raised with each word as he stormed towards the two and yanked Connor by the hair. He yelled out in pain and thankfully Brandon let up, but he still dragged the teen back to where he was. "You really did it now. Chris, watch him, I gotta drag out guest down here.." Brandon ripped off the tape on his mouth and left quickly, after a few minutes there were sounds of struggling. Connor wanted to yell out but Chris was quite the intimidator.

"No, Brandon, please!"

"Come on! Stop being a wimp it'll be fun."

"No it won-"

"COME ON!" With a final protest Brandon brought the guest into the room, but they hid their face. "Oh, stop being such a wimp!" He threw them into the light revealing their face to the group.

"A-andrew...?" Connor spoke as he laid his eyes on the man he had been dating for the past few weeks.


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