Ignorance is not Bliss.

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Allison walked down the hall before she heard her named being called. "Ally wait a minute!" The senior stopped to smile, and turned knowing it was Lainy. The younger female giggled as she caught up and the continued to walk to lunch together. As the two neared the cafeteria, Allison's stomach began to fill with dread. She couldn't tell what it was, but something was telling her that theres something wrong. Lainy seemed quite oblivious to Allisons weary state. The two opened the cafeteria doors and sat at their table after getting their food. Beth walked in shortly after, but soon after she sat the girls began to realize that no one else was coming. "Uh... Do the sophomores have some sort of special assembly?" Lainy asked looking around.

"Not that I know of... I don't remember any assemblies around this time last year..." Beth spoke slowly. Allisom shook her head and looked around to the see a few IDs in Red, which was the sophomore's class color.

"D-did Connor tell you anything, Beth?" The girl in question jolted in surprise at the thought.

"No... What makes you think he would tell me anything?" She unconsciously snapped at Lainy. Allisom have Beth a confused, but annoyed, look.

"I... I don't know, I thought you two were really close." Lainy shrunk in her seat as she slowly ate. A silence fell over the three as no one showed up, and the when Chris usually showed up came and went. "Not even Chris... What the heck he didn't tell me he wasn't here today!" Lainy suddenly spoke and unlocked her phoje to find out what exactly was going on. She saw nothing and felt herself tear up at the thought of something bad happening to her missing friends.

"I'm sure they're fine!" Allison smiled and put her hand on her friends shoulder, which seemed to cheer her up. Sadly, she didn't truly feel this way, as there were just too many people missing for it to he a coincidence. As the three finished eating and left the cafeteria, Allison promised herself that she would have to do some investigating after soccer practice.


"Alright girls, good work today go shower and you're free to go!" The coach yelled at the sweaty females. The group all moved to the locker room and cleaned themselves off.

Chatter throughout the locker room began to grow as the sound of showers started echoing throughout the room. "Hey Alli what's up with you today? You seemed so off." One of her teammates yelled to the teen who was slowly getting undressed.

"Uh, if you haven't noticed, her whole friend group is like.. Gone." Another girl yelled out, causing a few teammates to laugh.

"Hey, shut up! She's probably really stressed over it." Another girl yelled. The room filled with silence as Allison ignored everyone. Its true, she was stressing, but she tried not to make it seem so apparent. She was supposed to go searching after practice with Lainy, but that feeling of dread was still present in her stomach.

The girls locker room returned to the normal echoing of girls taking showers and talking to one another. Allison ignored it all and took here's in silence. The noise died down as everyone finished and left, leaving the girl on her own.

Or so she thought.

"Allison, can we talk?" The girl practically jumped at the sudden deep voice. Thankfully she was dressed as she looked over to see Chris at the entrance of the lockerroom. He was covering his eyes, which sort of made her inwardly chuckle.

She gathered her things and walked past him so he could uncover his eyes. "What do you want?" She asked in a serious town. She was still suspicious of him.

"I... I really like Lainy." He seemed comflicted with his words. She stared at him as if he never said anything at all. "Look, I can't do this. Tell her I love her, but it's off." He put it simply and left the area without letting Allison ask any questions. Her mind was racing, and her heart waa pounding.

"Ally!!" She heard a voice through the ringing of her ears. She suddenly felt her weight shift as Lainy jumped on her. "I saw you talking to Chris! He didn't even see me so he didn't say hi. What did he say to you?" She sounded hurt but bubbly, which hurt Allison more.

"He was just... Just asking me a question." She lied. The younger girl tried to push for more information, but she didn't budge. "Come on, we have to go start the search." The two finally left, but the feeling in Allison's stomach grew.


"I haven't seen her today or ladt night... I thought she was over Jackson's." Harriet, (Y/n)'s mother spoke softly.

"He's been gone too..." Allison explained. The older woman looked at the floor.

"She's gotta be somewhere. Before I call the police, I'll check either her grandparents tonsee if she just wanted to get away for a while. Can you do me a favor and check over at Brandon's?" The mother tried to seem calm, but the fear in her voice was loud and clear. Allison and Lainy agreed and walked out of the house.

The two had gone to Genevieve's house at first, but her parents weren't home. And Connor's parents said he was most likely at his 'friends' house. The last option was (Y/n)'s house, which was the only other place they knew the location of. The mom seemed pretty freaked out already once they arrived, but seeing them made her put on a mask. She had been trying to convince herself that (Y/n) didn't run away, and insisted she was just going to Jackson's. Seeing the two girls show up was a sort of confirmation that something was truly wrong.

Though she hesitated, Allison knocked on the door and felt her whole body run cold when Brandon answered the door. "Oh, have you come to bring me my homework?" He chuckled.

"Have you seen (Y/n) or Genevieve?" He smile dropped when he heard his girlfriends name.

"Huh? Gen's gone too now? What the fuck is happening.." He seemed genuinely concerned. He grabbed his phone and searched up when she last messaged him. "Its a bit... Embarrassing, but thenlast thing she talked to me about was.. Uhm." His face grew red causing Allison to roll her eyes. "I haven't seen her though, she left my house like last night and we texted but then I fell asleep and couldn't go to school today."

"You didn't walk to her house or something?" Allisom asked in a skeptical tone.

"Her dad picked her up." He shrugged. "This is really weird... Where is everyone going?" The girls looked at each other and said goodbye. "See ya, please tell me if you hear anything!" Brandon smiled and waved them off. Though his smile fell when he saw the girls walk towards, then into (Y/n)'s house. He thought they had just stopped by but they got Harriet involved. He would have to figure out his new plan of action, and quick.


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