Failed the Plan.

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I jolted awake to find myself in a dark room. Last thing I remember was being brought to the basement. No one was down there, but before I could ask questions I felt an object hit my head and I was out cold. What day is it? Where am I? I was left to my thoughts for what felt like hours before I saw the door open, and a figure came out of the light. It closed the door behind it, and turned on a light, revealing that it was Brandon. "Hello there, (Y/n)." I tried to yell but found that my mouth was covered. He quickly walked over and covered my nose so I couldn't breathe. "If your smart you won't yell or scream. One wrong move and..." He paused as if he was going to tell me my consequences. "Nah, you can try and guess that as you inevitably try to scream for help." He let me go and walked over to a table. I watched in fear as I couldn't move. My body was numb, and I was actually struggling to stay awake. "Here." He came back with a photo, and dropped it near me. "Wanted to see your friends, right?"

I looked down to see a picture of Jackson and Genevieve. My heart dropped as they seemed to be out cold on this very floor. I wanted so badly to just ask where they were, but I knew it was pointless. "Now, I know there's no coming back from this. This is the point of no return, and I didn't really want it to come to this..." He crouched down to my level and glared at me. "But you're a pretty difficult girl, (Y/n)." He chuckled. "You are... So stubborn you know that?" He stood up again. "And I was so close! The kiss at that New Year's party was perfect, and you throwing up!?" He cackled at his statement. "You really had me thinking it was over between the two of you! Jackson stormed out and everything... But no. You two had to patch things up." He kicked a box causing me to jump at the sound.

"So, for all the things you've put me through, I'm going to return the favor!" He laughed out. My heart was pounding. "I... I loved you, (Y/n). All my life I just wanted you to be mine, but you never wanted to come around to me. You hated my guts, and I'll be honest, that made me want you more. I just wanted to break you to the point where you hated me so much that I was the only person you cared about. The only person on your mind, and the only person..." He looked me in the eyes. "Who you were in love with." I was so confused, why did he think what he was doing was going to make me love him!? "I was so close. I had you wrapped around my finger, but when you and Jackson started to plan on..." He looked as if he was going to throw up at the mere thought of what he was about to say. "It made me think that the whole plan was ruined!" In a quick motion he fell to the floor and grabbed face. "You are such a dirty girl, (Y/n). And I'm so glad that you didn't go through with it." He ripped the covering off my mouth and kissed me, to which I squirmed in protest. He continued anyway, but pulled away and quickly covered my mouth, but not quick enough for me to let out a small yelp.

"I told you not to scream, (Y/n)." He walked away. turned on his phone, and looked as if he was calling someone. "Bring em' over." Was all he said before hanging up. His eyes met mine and he glared straight into my soul. "I guess you were just eager to see what I meant, huh?" After what felt like hours of him staring at me, I heard a door open from behind a corner of the basement, and bodies hitting the floor. I tried to see what was going on, but from where I laid, still too numb to move, I only heard muffled noises and dragging. After a few seconds I saw Jackson fall into view. My eyes widened as he looked towards me and he did the same. He began to throw a fit, and I tried to move but it only caused pain. Screams filled the basement but Brandon didnt seem to mind, he just watched as someone tried to calm Jackson down. Upon further inspection it was Chris, but he was so silent. Genevieve was soon thrown, she was a little more cooperative, her eyes widened at the sight of me. I admit, I almost cried when I saw her, but I was more scared that Brandon got Jackson.

"Good. The gangs all here then, right?" Brandon chimed as he walked towards Jackson. I screamed out which caused him to pause. "(Y/n)..." He chuckled before kicked Jackson in the gut. I jolted up, moving whatever I could, but fell right back in my spot. Jackson fell to the ground and I felt my heart sink. "It only gets worse from here, Sweetheart." Jackson groaned and seemed to settle down. "I have a feeling we're gonna have a lot of fun here..."

~Flashback end~


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