Wait, Who?

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(Y/n)'s mouth dropped as she heard the name. "...What?" She blinked a few times as she stared at Genevieve's photo. Her heart was pounding, but she oddly felt less scared than before.

"Genevieve's been out the last few days, and when we called her parents they didn't seem to be too worried." (Y/n) couldn't believe what she was hearing. She hadn't even noticed that the girl had been absent the past few days as she wasn't really present for most of it. "They said she was probably at her boyfriends house. We asked who they said was her boyfriend, Brandon Skitz, what he had to say. He said that she had stayed there for a night, then went to your house for a sleepover? I'm sorry that this had to get into your personal life but we're concerned for a student and just want a bit of clarification."

The girl was in shock, she didn't know what to say. She had no leads on where she could've possibly been except... At Brandon's. But why would she be there? Why would she not show up to school, was there more to this than she thought? She was sweating now and hoped the principal didn't notice. "Uh, yeah, she came to my house for a night and then slept over Connor Yelon's house. She told me she didn't want to go home because her family was visiting." She was sitting on the edge of her seat in anticipation as she hoped the Principal believed her story. Her stomach was flipping at the thought of how many lies she had found herself in recently.

"I see.. well, I will have to call him in as well." He looked up his name in the school computer and proceeded to dial up the classroom he was currently in. "Hi, is it alright if Connor comes down to my office? Alright, thank you." He hung up and looked at the girl and smiled. "Thank you, (Y/n), you helped a lot! You can head back to class now." The girl nodded and quickly made her wake to the door. "Oh wait!" She had her hand on the knob but the sudden call made her grip the knob tightly.


"While you are here, maybe you can help out on another student?"

"Is it Jackson?" She asked, quite surprised how ballsy she was being by possibly forcing herself into another interrogation if it wasn't him.

"Yes actually, any idea where he is?"

"Yeah, he and his family went on an emergency vvacation to visit a relative. They just left like, two, or so, days ago."

"Oh... I see, thank you very much, (Y/n). One of the office attendants will sign you a hall pass. Have a good afternoon." The girl nodded and quickly exited the room. She walked towards the front to see Connor entering the office with a confused look. The two made eye contact and he almost immediately connected the dots as to what this was about. (Y/n) quickly looked away and was handed a hall pass. The woman pointed at Connor and pointed towards the office and he slowly made his way, giving one last glance at the girl. She cringed st the thought of her putting him in the spotlight like that, but she didn't know what else to do. She left the office and decided to go to 7th period instead of going back, seeing as the period was almost over.


(Y/n) walked home in silence. Her mind was racing, and she couldn't tell what to do. "What is going on.." she asked outloud. Her heart raced as she neared her house, but she didn't know why. She stared at Brandon's house, a weird feeling arose in her but she forced it down and ran into her house. She felt dizzy. Everything was spinning. Something was telling her to check next door, check for her friend, for.... "No! There's no way." She threw her bag on  the ground and sat on her couch. She listed out all the reasons they wouldn't be there... Then listed why they could. She was shaking. "But if I don't at least check... It'll all come back to me tomorrow. They'll realize that Genevieve isn't staying over someone's house, she's missing. And I lied. If Jackson's dad calls the school... It'll all be over for me. I should've never lied." The girl felt sick, she hated this feeling but she ran to the bathroom and sat near the toilet. She wanted to throw up, but she hadn't eaten since the day before. She was going to pass out. "I need to know. I need to check." (Y/n) forced herself up and she grabbed her phone. She also grabbed a small switch blade that her dad had hidden in a vase, as she was not going to be taken advantage of this time.

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