Life as a Student.

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The mother smiled at her child as she tried to run and pick up the ball. Harriot was enjoying the nice day outside, with (Y/n). The young child was 5 now, and soon to be a kindergartener. As soon as she picked up the ball, her neighbor's door opened and two people walked out. Jocelyn and Brandon. "Hey Joce!" Harriot called out. The other mother looked out and smiled.

"Hey Harriot. Are you guys playing?" The woman looked down at her friend's daughter. The two chatted for a minute until Jocelyn announced that she was taking Brandon to the store with her. Right before they were about to leave Brandon tugged on his mothers arm.

"Mommy I forgot my toy." His voice was rather flat for a child, and his face was straight as his mother sighed and walked back into the house. As if the stars aligned perfectly, (Y/n)'s father called for her mother to come in the house for a moment.

"Brandon can you please watch (Y/n) for a moment?" The mother walked into the house and left the two children alone. The small girl smiled at Brandon, as he returned the smile with a frown.

"You wanna play ball with me?" Brandon changed his frown into what you could call a smirk and snatched the ball from (Y/n)'s little hands.

"Yeah I'll play ball with you." He said quickly. "Turn around." The little girl obeyed and as soon as her body was facing the other way she was hit to the ground. Brandon had thrown the ball at the back of her head! He burst out in laughter until he heard her begin to cry. As soon as her wails grew Brandon acted as quick as he could, and tried to pick her up while shushing her. As if the crying was an alarm the two mother's rushed out of their homes and to the scene of Brandon's crime. 

"Brandon what happened?!" Jocelyn yelled. Harriot took the small child into her arms and tried to calm her down. 

"She was gonna eat a bug! I told her not to, and when she didn't listen to me I had to grab it from her and throw it away." As some act of God the two older women believed the boy and looked at the girl. 

"(Y/n) why would you try to eat a bug?" Asked her mother. The girl was frantic in trying to speak, but she just couldn't. After a few seconds of her wailing she finally spoke.

"M-mommy it wasn't a bug! Brandon threw the ball at me." She sputtered. The two women glanced at the boy who was shaking his head. 

"(Y/n) haven't we taught you better than to lie? You can't say these things!"

"But- but I wasn't lying mommy. He really threw the ball at me!" The little girl pulled away from her mother. Brandon sniffled and pretended to start crying. 

"See what you did by lying? It's time for a time out young lady!" The little girl's eyes widened at the statement and practically froze in shock when she was picked up. The mother apologized to her friend and as she turned her back to Brandon (Y/n) was able to see his little face grinning back at her. 


I picked up my lunch tray and walked alongside Genevieve. She was complaining about her Physics teacher. "Yknow one of these days I'm gonna snap! 'Genevieve probably doesn't get this!' 'Genevieve you're always over thinking everything!' Why don't you shut up Mrs.G? You're the whole reason I overthink stuff cause you're sarcastic and bitchy."

"It sounds like she's straight up bullying you." She looked at me and scoffed.

"Ya think? I wanna tell someone but they won't listen to me. Everyone in the class just laughs at me. Even Connor laughs at me sometimes." We sat down and Connor brought his attention to his name.

"Hm? What? What do I do?" He asked in confused tone. The whole group turned their attention to Genevieve.

"You laugh at me whenever Mrs.G makes fun of me..." She glared at Connor and shoved some garlic bread into her mouth. I did the same as Connor began to chuckle.

"What she says is true! Whenever she gives us a test you take twice as long as everyone cause you're worried you did every problem wrong."

"I do that too!" Lainy tried to cheer her up.

"I think everyone does." Bethany added. The group then discussed who was the worst teacher until the bell rang for Allison, Bethany, and Lainys lunch to be over, and they left. Now it was just us three, the sophomores. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see the red headed devil.

"Hello there (Y/n) and company are these seats taken?"


"Perfect!" He chuckled and sat down with his henchman Chris. Christ was a big dumb lug who silently followed Brandon around just about anywhere. He was all brawn and no brain.

Genevieve tensed up at the sight of Brandon. For some crazy reason she had a cruch on him, and she was crushing hard. "H-hey Brandon, what brings you here?" She blushed when his gaze quickly passed over hers to meet mine.

"I'm here to spend my lunch with you folks that's why! Gotta stay with my sophomore buds right?!"

"Last I checked you were supposed to be graduating this year." I quietly mumbled as I tried to force myself to eat, however my appetite was ripped away from me when he sat down.

"What was that (Y/n)? I could've sworn I heard you say something." I could tell Connor could sense some tension as he lowered his head a bit. Chris continued to stare are me from the other side of the table while Genevieve stayed oblivious to the whole scene.

"I said, Last I checked to u were supposed to be graduating this year, Brandon. Its kinda weird that an 18 year old would want to hang out with a bunch of 16 year olds." I stood up, picking my tray up in the process. "Come Genevieve the bells about to ring." I glared at Brandon as Genevieve rushed to pick up her things.

"Oh yeah, buh bye Brandon!" She smiled and got up, lowering her happy to town to spit out a goodbye to Connor before taking off with me.


We walked to our next class when Genevieve looked at me. "Yknow it isn't fair." She begun.

"What isn't fair."

"Brandon. You know he likes you, why do you act so cold towards him?" She stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Genevieve... Brandon doesn't like me, he's just a bully who is good at hiding." I could feel my stomach turn as I held my lunch down, he seriously makes me sick. Genevieve's face contorted into one of sorrow.

"But (Y/n)... Why don't-" she looked like she was ashamed of what she was about to say. "You should give him a chance, or maybe, if you don't like him, why don't you try and see if he likes me?" She looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"I-i don't think I feel right putting you through that kind of torture Genevieve. Brandon is a monster." I said, trying to turn her suggestion down. Her atmosphere dropped and she sighed heavily.

"Whatever let me die alone I guess!" She dramatically flailed her arms as she let out a slight giggle. I chuckled at her action and we continued to walk towards out class.


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