Birthday Boy (Part 3)

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Warning: this chapter contains some very suggestive (its like light smut..) scenes! Read at your own risk ☺

I felt like I was going to explode. My mind was racing, and all I could see were simple blurry figures of the students in front of me. I rushed past them all, trying to get to my last period class. I turned the corner into my class and saw Jackson's smiling face. He wasn't looking at me, he was smiling down at his ring as he twirled it on his thumb. My entire body rushed with warmth as I felt way more at ease seeing him smile. I felt myself hold back my anger, why would I want to ruin his happiness? Especially on his birthday...

I walked up to his desk and he looked up to me, his eyes lit up. "Happy birthday!" I laughed as he stood and hugged me. My stomach filled with butterflies, but I also felt a bit of fear rise in me. I shook it off and sat down. The class crept by, but as soon as I heard the bell ring for us to go home my stomach jumped into my throat. Jackson looked back at me with a grin on his face. I knew he was just excited but why did I feel so... Scared?

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as he stuck out his hand to help me up. I nodded and we walked to the front of the school. Key club had been canceled this week because Ms.H was out visiting family. We walked through the parking lot, out of the corner of my eyes I spotted Brandon and Genevieve making out. My stomach churned and once again I found myself forcing down what little food I had in me. He pulled away and scowled at me, followed by Genevieve who was eyeing me with a deadly glare. I quickly looked away as I felt my blood boiling once more. Jackson seemed completely oblivious as he held my hand and walked to his truck. I sighed, then thanked him once he opened my door for me. We drove to my house and every second felt like 10 years... 'I'm excited.' I had to keep repeating that to myself before we arrived. It didn't help that the music Jackson was playing was making me anxious, but I tried to conceal it all. I wanted to make him happy, I wanted this too....

We finally arrived and we got out of the truck, I quickly rushed to the door and opened it, I yelled out that I was gonna use the bathroom first and ran up to my room. My heart pounded, and that wasn't just because of me running up the stairs. I heard the front door shut and Jackson dropped his backpack. I looked into the mirror on my vanity and calmed myself down. I nodded, turned around, and walked to the top of the stairs. He was almost at the top and I smiled. "You ready for this?" I asked and he nodded slowly.

"Are you?" I repeated his actions and he walked up to me. I stared up at him and he grabbed my waist. He kissed me, and I kissed back leading us to walk to my room while our lips locked. It was passionate, yet gentle, and I couldn't have asked for anything else. We made it to my room where he closed the door behind us and we fell onto my bed. Between kisses he took my shirt off, then he followed. I giggled and he began to kiss on my neck. I let out what could be described as a breathy moan as he attacked me with his lips. He stopped, causing me to look up at him. I pushed myself more into the bed and he slowly followed. We made out for what felt like forever, and once he pulled away I felt dizzy. "Are you sure you're ok with with this?" He asked again, I nodded and pulled him close... Only for him to pull back. "(Y/n)... Are you sure?" I paused before nodding, I knew he was just making sure, but I could feel myself becoming desperate.

"Jackson, I'm ready." He smiled, and sat up to take something out of his pockets. He pulled down his pants and put on a condom. I bit my lip and felt my stomach flip for the millionth time today. I looked up to him and as he crawled back on top of me. He made sure I was... physically, ready before slowly entering. I cried out as the pain of my first time set in. He waited for me to settle, kissing my neck as I tried to relax. It felt... amazing.  After a few minutes I rocked my hips to let him know I was ready, and he slowly moved his hips. I felt like I was on cloud nine... But it didn't last forever.

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