M-25: Assassination Attempt

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M-25: Assassination Attempt

"Adam's in the clear now!" Ruby declared, smiling brightly. "All he has to do is stop the Titans from killing Mr. Ironwood, and then he can go home!"

"That's quite the optimistic attitude," Cinder commented. "But you can't possibly think it'll be that simple, right?" The silver-eyed girl blinked, confused.

"Why wouldn't it be? The only Atlas Titans that gave Adam any trouble were the Shades of Death, and he's already defeated all of them!" she pointed out.

"But what about the Titans' boss?" Ren asked. "Mundus had Tyrian, Griffith, and the Horror all working for him, even though he was much stronger than them."

"Yeah, but I think we saw their boss already," Pyrrha suggested. "That councilman, Stephen Sleet, I think his name was? I highly doubt he was a Grimm King, and even if Adam fights him, he didn't appear to be a combatant, himself."

"Shh! The episode's starting!" Nora hushed everyone, as the lights dimmed. "Take them down, Adam! Nothing can stop you now!"

The episode began with Adam and Blade Wolf standing on a jagged stone plateau overlooking a large military base in the middle of the Wastelands, Vacuo's extensive desert. The bull Faunus was currently using his Scroll as a pair of binoculars, spying on the military base from afar.

"Well? Anything?" Clover's voice asked.

"Nothing," Adam shook his head. "You sure we've got the right place?"

"Gotta be," the Specialist determined. "It's the only base big enough with security contracted out to the Atlas Titans." The bull Faunus nodded.

"Alright then," he decided. "I'm moving in."

"Give them hell, Adam!" Yang grinned.

"That's where he'll be sending them, anyway," Blake commented quietly.

"I will scout ahead," Blade Wolf announced, bounding off ahead off ahead of Adam.

"You do that." The bull Faunus followed after the mechanical Grimm, though it wasn't long before he was literally left in the dust by his cybernetic associate. Undeterred, Adam headed for the military base's main entrance, keeping close to the walls so that he could sneak up on a pair of soldiers standing guard in front of the open front gate. The bull Faunus slowly sidled along the wall until he was right behind one of the guards. With a quick slice of Wilt, the man fell to the ground, a large gash torn open on his back.

"It's Taurus!" the other soldier snarled. "All units! Converge on my position!" He opened fire with his rifle, sending a spray of bullets screaming towards Adam. The bull Faunus spun his sword in front of him, deflecting the attacks, before pulling a Blush off his hip and firing off his own round, striking the guard in the head. With a grunt, the soldier collapsed, blood spilling out of his helmet.

"Well, that was quick," Whitley chuckled.

"Yeah, but I can't imagine those were the ONLY soldiers on site," Sun muttered.

As Adam stood over his handiwork, he became aware of footsteps coming up behind him.

"There he is!" a voice shouted. "Kill the intruder!" The bull Faunus turned to watch five soldiers wielding with swords and axes rushing towards him, the man in the lead equipped with a riot shield. Adam flexed his neck, bringing Wilt up in front of him.

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