Mission 12: Hunter and Hunted

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"You know, I just realized Jaune never transformed into a Grimm last episode," Nora pointed out. "He was forced to with Nevan, but not with Hazel." She shook her head. "It's too bad, I actually thought Jaune looked really cool as a Grimm." It was then she noticed everyone staring at her. "What?"

"Nora, Jaune transforms into a literal monster, and you're disappointed you don't get to see him as one?" Weiss demanded incredulously. Abe cleared his throat before things could escalate any further.

"Well, Nora, if you liked seeing Jaune as a Grimm, you're in luck," he told her. He selected the next episode, entitled "Hunter and Hunted," and pushed play.

The episode began with Jaune still inside the lava room he had battled Hazel in, looking at the pedestal where the strange glowing orb rested upon. Cautiously, Jaune stretched out an arm and lifted the orb into his hands. Immediately, he felt weak, his legs buckling as his breathing became more labored. He fell onto his handse and knees, sweat dripping off his body as he strained to stand back up.

"What's happening to Jaune?" Pyrrha asked in concern.

"Hahahahaha!" an eerie voice rang out. "That's amazing!" Behind Jaune, the familiar face of Jester appeared out the darkness. "Even the hero man is no match for it!" He cackled, eyes glinting with malicious joy as he watched Jaune writhe on the ground in agony.

"Who or what is that?!" Emerald demanded, wide-eyed.

"That's Jester," Blake explained. "He showed up earlier and helped Jaune proceed further through the tower."

"Yeah, but he likes to be an ass and mess with Jaune as well," Coco added.

"I wouldn't trust that guy if my life depended on it," Tai shuddered.

Suddenly, Jaune stretched out his other arm and grabbed a Jester by his tunic, yanking down on the ground. The barrel of Ebony was quickly pressed against the clown-like Grimm's head. Jaune's other arm, still clutching the orb, was wrapped around Jester's neck.

"Oh, you're not going to shoot me, are you?" Jester asked. He was still smiling, but now there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "If you do, I'll die, you know."

"If that's what it takes to shut you up," Jaune growled. His eyes began to turn red, his body unconsciously shifting into his Grimm form. "I hate punks who run their mouths."

"Totally relatable," Mercury smirked. Yang chuckled.

"I second that," she told him.

Jester gulped as he spared a glance at the gun pressed up against his head.

"Don't act so rashly, my boy. I got a doozy of a story for you, but, if you snuff out my voice like that, I won't be able to tell it now, will I?" Jaune's red eyes flickered as he pondered this, before he released his grip on Jester's neck. The Grimm clown rolled backwards, before standing. "Whoa, I thought I was a goner for sure. Oops! You saw it too, didn't you? The huge tower jutting out of the ground? That thick shaft that causes women to shudder..."

Most of the audience laughed while the more mature spectators recoiled in disgust.

"Once a teenage boy, always a teenage boy," Abe shrugged at the dirty looks shot his way.

"This is actually a tunnel linking the demiplane of Ozma to the human world. And of course, your friend Adam is the one who's currently running this whole place. He's currently headed to the control room in the basement. If you don't hop down there quick like a bunny, he'll get his grubby little mitts on the Relic of Choice, which can grant its owner any wish he so desires. Isn't that a scary thought?"Jester finished his explanation. Jaune grunted his acknowledgment, his bleach white hair hanging in front of his face.

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