Mission 6: Family Ties

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"I can't wait to see Jaune's new swords in action," Pyrrha smiled. "Especially since he was already naturally talented with that Cerberus weapon he made."

"I'm excited as well," Ren told her. "It's refreshing to see a Jaune who's confident in his own abilities for once."

"Well, Jaune will still be in this episode," Abe assured his audience. "But it's actually more focused on youthis time." He pointed at Ruby.

"Me?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" Yang realized. "I almost forgot you were in this, Rubes!"

"But why is she there, exactly?" Ms. Goodwitch wondered. "She really shouldn't have any reason to be there, in all honesty."

"Well, she is in a relationship with Jaune, from what we can assume from the pictures on his desk," Weiss pointed out.

"Aw, how romantic!" Nora smiled at the younger girl. "Keeping an eye on your hubby?" Ruby blushed. Abe laughed as he turned the episode cursor to the sixth episode, entitled "Family Ties," and pushed play.

The episode opened with Ruby entering a large, square-shaped room. On the other side was a large pair of doors, one black and one white, with golden insignias of horse heads in the center of each. Eight stone statues, each the upper body of a human in armor, and clutching a pair of short swords, stood in front of the door, their square bases matching up with the checkered floor.

"I sense a fight coming up," Blake murmured. Qrow nodded his agreement.

"Definitely," he agreed. "Those statues may look stationary, but as we've already seen from Agni and Rudra, looks can be deceiving."

Ruby braced her herself, then used her Semblance to quickly dash by the stone statues and headed through the double doors.

"Well, that's certainly one way to proceed," Ozpin smiled, lifting his hand to his face, before realizing that he wasn't in Beacon anymore, and as such, did not have his mug with him. He turned to their host. "I beg your pardon, Abe, but-"

"Coffee, on it." Abe gave the Headmaster a thumbs up as he headed into the kitchen.

"Aw, I wanted to see Ruby fight!" Nora pouted.

Once through the double doors, Ruby found herself outside the tower again, this time on a long, winding set of stairs that coiled up and around the tower. She breathed in, and prepared to use her Semblance to speed forward once more, but a sudden screech stopped her in her tracks. Ruby's eyes narrowed as a group of Apathy trudged down the stairs, each armed with a scythe.

"Looks like I'm fighting after all," Ruby smiled. "Good! I want to see how much I've improved."

Ruby waited until the Apathy drew close, then with a cry, charged forward in a flurry of rose petals. With one swing of Crescent Rose, three Apathy's heads were sent rolling. The Huntress quickly hooked the leg of a fourth, sending it collapsing to the ground, before she swung her scythe downwards, stabbing it through the chest. She then pulled Crescent Rose's trigger, and a Dust-infused bullet tore through a fifth Apathy's chest. Ruby then pulled her scythe free from the ground, and with a twist of the handle, swung the blade upwards, cleaving a sixth Grimm in two.

"Dang, Ruby, looks like all those years of training are paying off," Qrow whistled.

"Look at her go, Velvet," Coco smiled. "She's showing off skill most Huntresses can only dream about."

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