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"I think this story is reaching its conclusion," Blake rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Adam just needs to get to Vacuo, and it sounds like he's going to do that very quickly."

"Then he can prevent Operation Phoenix, whatever that is," Ruby nodded. She paused for a moment. "Who exactly was behind this conspiracy, again?"

"Wasn't it that councilman guy, Sleet, or whatever his name was?" Yang pointed out. "Strange how he's the one behind all this. He looked pretty frail, so Adam should have no problem dealing with him."

"Maybe he's got a trick up his sleeve," Weiss suggested. The lights began to dim. "We can talk about this later. Let's watch what happens next."

The episode began with Adam speeding through the vast tundra of Solitas on his HVB Rhino, snow blowing around him as dark clouds rolled in overhead. Despite the severe weather, however, the bull Faunus continued forward, reaching up to switch on his intercom.

"How are things on your side?" he asked.

"I am exiting Mantle as we speak," Pietro reported. "All is quiet."

"Good," Adam nodded. "I'll be at the launch site soon." He revved his hoverbike's engine, making it go even faster as he zoomed over the frozen ground, throwing up snow. He was forced to stop, however, when a pair of figures came into view. The bull Faunus narrowed his eyes. One of the beings before him was Blade Wolf, who was sitting on his hind haunches, studying Adam curiously with its artificial eyes. Next to him, currently scratching the mechanized Grimm between his ears, was Azure Fade.

"Oh, shoot, it's him," Nora gulped, eyes wide.

"He must be the 'roadblock,'" Ren realized.

"Are they going to fight?" Pyrrha whispered, her face pale. "Can Adam actually challenge him this time, or is that bear Faunus just going to brutalize him again?!"

"Adam," Blade Wolf greeted the bull Faunus, who scoffed.

"Having a little heart-to-heart?"

"I have analyzed his words and actions," the mechanized Grimm explained, turning to Azure. "I am unable to ascertain his motivation." The bear Faunus waved a clawed hand at Adam.

"Fancy meeting you here," he grinned.

"I should've known you'd be waiting for me," the bull Faunus growled. "I suppose I should thank you for not killing everyone at the launch site?"

"Not if you say it like that," Azure laughed, folding his arms across his chest.

"Well, Azure does seem to have a code of honor," Coco pointed out.

"However minimal it may be," Velvet admitted.

"For an assassin, you're not very good at your job," Adam commented.

"The war is the big payoff," Azure told him. The bull Faunus scoffed.

"Right. Big raises all around once the Atlas Titans get all those contracts..."

"I'm not talking about money, Adam," the bear Faunus shook his head. "I'm talking ideals."

"Excuse me?" Adam said flatly, raising an eyebrow.

"Forget it," Azure sighed. "We've both heard enough speeches about higher causes by now. History will decide who's right. End of story." At this, the bull Faunus got up off his HVB Rhino, and headed off the side of the road into a large field filled with several large mounds of snow off to his left.

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