Mission 9: New Strength

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"Alright, who's ready for the next episode of Grimm May Cry?" Abe asked, as the audience returned to the theater.

"I am!" Ruby grinned, carrying a bucket of popcorn in her arms, to share with her sister. "It'll be much more enjoyable now that Jaune isn't cramped up in some dirty old castle."

"I'm excited too!" Pyrrha agreed. "Although, I can't help but wonder what Trish has been up to all this time."

"This series has proven to be quite entertaining," Ghira admitted. "I'm intrigued to learn the story behind this island, and the truth about Mundus."

"As am I," Ozpin stated. "I must admit, though, I'm quite skeptical as to whether Mundus truly is King of the Grimm in this." Abe shrugged.

"That's fine. We've still got a ways to go before the end, so the full story is still unraveling." He began to make his way back towards the projector's booth. "In any case, let's start this thing back up." The audience settled back down into their seats as the lights began to dim. Abe switched the projector back on, commencing the start of Act 2.

The episode began with a Jaune making his way across the drawbridge, out of the castle and towards an elaborate walkway, with several magnificent pillars and an obelisk resting in the center. As soon as the Huntsman set foot off the drawbridge, however, the drawbridge rose up behind him, preventing him from returning to the castle.

"It looks like Jaune's stuck out here now," Weiss commented.

"Is that a bad thing?" Nora asked.

"It is if there's still some things he needs to collect in the castle," Blake pointed out.

Jaune turned around, looking at the raised drawbridge in mild surprise.

"Okay, so how do I get back in there?" he wondered. It was then the Huntsman noticed as elaborate circular carving on the platform he stood upon. Words were inscribed around an indent. "The Wheel of Destiny shall guide you back to the land of the beginning." Jaune brought a hand to his chin, in thought. "I'm guessing that must be a key, of some kind."

"The creators of this castle could never make anything simple, could they?" Coco sighed.

"They had to have been under the influence of Grimm," Velvet stated. "Anyone with even a shred of sanity would never design a castle like this."

Turning around, Jaune began to make his way through the walkway, until he approached the obelisk where it rested among the center of the intricate pillars, all of which were in various states of degrade. On the obelisk were some words, engraved in silver, which Jaune read aloud.

"Destiny awaits, somewhere deep in the coliseum." The Huntsman's mouth curved into a smirk. "Guess I know where I'm heading next."

"Well, at the very least, the island gives hints as to where everything is," Kali suggested.

"Kid would be completely lost, otherwise," Qrow nodded.

Making his way past the obelisk, Jaune walked under a stone archway and into a large dome, within which was a large spiral staircase. The Huntsman clambered down the steps, eventually arriving at a heavy wooden door. Pushing his way through, Jaune found himself looking at a wide, open valley, surrounded by jagged cliffs and filled with stone structures. A large wall was directly in front of him, and a large, circular building was off to his right.

"That must be the coliseum," he realized.

"Sweet!" Ruby cheered. "He's already at his destination. Come on, Jaune, keeping moving forward!"

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