Mission 13: Chaos' Warm Welcome

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As Abe prepared to put on the next episode, Ruby couldn't help but notice that he looked a little tense. Deciding to check on their gracious host, she spoke up.

"Abe, are you okay?" she asked.

"Huh?" Noticing Ruby's concerned frowned, he shook his head. "Oh, I'm fine. This next episode just heavily advances the plot. I'm a little nervous about how you guys will receive it." With that in mind, Jaune selected the next episode, "Chaos's Warm Welcome," and pushed play.

The episode began in the Lair of Judgement, where Adam and Glynda still remained. The masked Faunus approached the small pool of water in the center of the circular room, removed one of his gloves, and knelt beside it. He reached into his pocket, and removed the small vial of Jaune's blood. Uncorking it, he tipped the vial upside down and watched as the viscous red liquid slowly dripped out, deluding as it mixed with the water.

"It looks like Adam found the room that destroys the Ward," Yang grimaced.

"If he gets his hands on the Relic of Choice, humanity itself could be wiped off the face of Remnant," Ozpin's face turned dire. That statement caused a lot of the audience to start sweating.

Adam stared down at the small pool, then unsheathed Wilt. Holding the sword in front of him, he stretched out his uncovered hand, and grabbed his weapon by the blade. Then, he dragged his palm up the sword, his mouth contorting as he cut his hand open.

"Eww!" Velvet's face turned green.

"That's not right!" Mercury winced.

"Why would you even do something like that?" Weiss demanded in disgust.

"Remember, the Ward requires the blood of two descendants of Ozma," Qrow pointed out. "He's got to use his own as well."

With a grunt, Adam let go of Wilt, and looked at his bare hand. A deep cut ran across his palm, blood seeping from the wound. Adam stretched out his arm and held it over the pool. Glynda, who was propped up against a wall, looked away and closed her eyes in defeat. After a fair amount of blood had dripped into the pool, Adam pulled his hand back and clenched his fist. His Aura briefly flashed, and when he reopened his hand, his palm was fully healed.

"He did it," Blake said in horror. "He unlocked Ozma's Ward!"

"Oh no!" Nora gasped. "Now he can acquire the Relic of Choice!"

"Hurry, Jaune!" Ren whispered urgently.

The scene changed to show a Jaune running down a narrow hallway, dealing with any enemies unfortunate enough to intercept him.

"Out of my way!" Jaune snarled, knocking a White Fang grunt's sword to the side with his Claymore. A quick sweep kick knocked the Faunus to the floor, and solid stomp to the chest made sure that he stayed there. Jaune blocked a burst of gunfire with his sword, then rushed forward, and grabbed a second White Fang member by the throat. A quick swing of his arm smashed the Faunus's head into a wall. Jaune allowed him to slump to the ground. He dashed down the hallway, and opened the door, finding a third White Fang grunt standing in front of it. Jaune grabbed her gun by the barrel, and pulled it upwards, barely managing to avoid the burst of gunfire from her. A quick strike to the head with his Claymore's grip was enough to knock her unconscious. As she fell to the ground, Jaune discovered what they had been guarding: a giant set of double doors, with intricate markings on them, depicting a group of people worshiping a large figure. "If Adam's not behind this door, I'll eat my trench coat," Jaune thought to himself. He approached the large doors, and with a heavy shove, pushed them open. He headed inside.

"By the Brother Gods, please do not let Mr. Arc be too late," Glynda pleaded.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Goodwitch, I'm sure Jaune will arrive just in time, and beat Adam senseless!" Coco assured her.

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