Mission 11: Fate

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"I can't wait to see what Jaune does next!" Ruby grinned, as Abe fiddled around with the projector.

"Me too!" Nora added. "I can't wait to watch him roast Griffith like a turkey!"

"I, too, am interested," Adam admitted, busy polishing Wilt as he waited for the next episode to play. "This Jaune Arc is an impressive Huntsman. I would love the chance to spar against him sometime." This statement caused all of Team RWBY and _NPR, as well as Ozpin and Glynda, to cringe. They had been watching the antics of the Jaune onscreen for so long, that they had almost forgotten how lackluster their Jaune was in comparison.

"Um, maybe you should spar against me first," Pyrrha suggested. "I'm the one training Jaune at swordsmanship, so perhaps you'll be better prepared to fight against him if you practice with me."

"And me," Yang interjected. "You saw how Vomit Boy is with his fists. Guess who else is good at punching stuff? I'm called the blonde brawler for a reason, you know!" In truth, both Yang and Pyrrha both knew that Adam could easily wipe the floor with them, but it would be worth the beating to prevent Jaune from being sliced into several shreds of chivalrous confetti.

"Sure," Adam shrugged. "It was only a suggestion anyway. As amazing as this Jaune Arc is, I'm afraid he and I are destined to meet only on the battlefield." The lights began to dim. "Well, I guess the next episode's starting," the horned Faunus assessed.

The episode began in the middle of a large greenhouse, withheld  glass rooms surrounding a large tree. A well stood before the tree, in front of which a stone tablet was erected. Behind the tree was Jaune, who was currently fighting a Phantasm surrounded by a ring of scythes.

"Not another Phantasm!" Weiss groaned.

The Phantasm stretched out an arm, causing three of its scythes to ascend, before spinning towards Jaune. The Huntsman used Alastor to deflect each of the projectiles, before plunging towards the Grimm, who floated out of the way of his stab. The Phantasm pointed a withered hand at Jaune, before thrusting its finger to the ground, causing two more scythes to slice at the Huntsman in a downward motion.

"You know, the Phantasm's abilities remind of your Semblance, Ms. Goodwitch," Velvet confessed, leaning past Adam to see her teacher.

"They are, indeed, similar," Glynda nodded. "Though the Grimm's lack of a soul is a major difference between the two of us."

Jaune backflipped out of the way of the scythes, before whipping out Ebony and Ivory, firing off a few rounds at the Phantasm. The Grimm summoned its weapons in front of it, blocking the bullets, then raised one of its hand. A purple mist billowed around the Huntsman's feet, before a large pillar of violet smoke burst from the ground beneath Jaune, throwing him into the air.

"Cheap shot!" Coco called.

With a triumphant flash of its three eyes, the Phantasm pointed at Jaune, sending a scythe spinning his direction. The Huntsman caught the weapon by the handle, then quickly swung himself into a flip, aiming for the Grimm. The Phantasm rose to meet him, a scythe in its hands. Jaune quickly drew Alastor, and sliced the Grimm across the face, shattering its mask. With a hiss, the Phantasm's headless body tore apart, scattering in the breeze as the Huntsman landed.

"That wasn't such a chore, now was it?" Sun smirked.

"Jaune makes fighting Grimm look easy," Tai nodded.

Putting away Alastor, Jaune noticed a pair of doors in front of him. They were stacked on top of each other, with a staircase leading up to the upper door. Shrugging, the Huntsman entered the lower door. Inside, he found himself standing in a large shrine, with a pair of staircases leading down towards a lower floor. In front of him were four stone poles that were topped with a square roof, inside of which was a small pedestal with a fancy stone goblet resting on top. As Jaune approached it, the goblet was surrounded by a familiar purple barrier.

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