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The audience was quiet as the lights began to dim. They had expected Sleet to have a trick up his sleeve for when Adam inevitably confronted him. They had NOT expected this secret weapon to be a Colossus. Of course, this was hardly the first behemoth they had seen onscreen, Mundus being a prime example. But still, Adam was about to battle against a virtual giant. How this would turn out was anyone's guess...

The episode began immediately after where the previous had left off: Adam standing before the Colossus, staring up at the cockpit of the gigantic war mech, as Councilman Stephen Sleet stood atop the roof of the metal behemoth, looking down at him scornfully.

"Well, if it isn't the Brazen Bull," Sleet commented, shaking his head in disappointment. "Just a little too late, as usual."

"Sleet!" Adam snarled up at the Councilman. "Impressive little toy you've got there. But your plan ends here." Sleet tilted his head back and let out a long, spiteful laugh.

"Idiot," he sneered. "You're not ending our plan, you're expanding it. Checked the internet lately?"

"What are you talking about?" the bull Faunus asked. Just then, his intercom crackled to life.

"Adam! Ironwood's airship is heading back towards Atlas!" Sienna's voice reported.

"Wait, Jimmy found out about the assassination attempt?" Qrow grunted in confusion.

"That's good, though, right?" Ruby asked. "The Titans can't kill him now, so their plan  has been foiled."

"Yes, but something doesn't add up," Winter put a hand to her chin. "There's no way President Ironwood could have learned about this plot so quickly."

"How'd they know?" Adam demanded, surprised.

"Someone posted photos of what's happening on the base," Sienna explained. "The whole WORLD is up in arms!"

"Show me," the bull Faunus growled, pulling out his Scroll. Immediately, over 30 tabs were projected in the air surrounding him, each a different headline related to the airbase he was standing in right now. "How did they..." his voice trailed off as he looked at the tabs in shock. "Terrorists Bombard Atlasian Airbase in Vacuo," one website read. "Over 40 Atlasians Presumed Dead in Vacuan Terror Strike," another stated, which displayed pictures of Atlasian soldiers laying dead on the ground. A third heading caught Adam's eye, this one reading "Ironwood Assassination Attempt in Vacuo." "The story leaked early?" he whispered, scratching his red hair in confusion. "Then the Atlas Titans' plan is ruined."

"The hell it is!"  the tiger Faunus growled. "Look at what people are saying! The story just went live and already they're calling for blood!" The tabs expanded to show hundreds, if not thousands of rage-filled comments about what was happening at the airbase.

"WAKE UP! The Vacuan government is HARBORING these terrorists!!"


"Vacuo is part of the AXIS OF EVIL!" All of these comments whirled around the bull Faunus, who suddenly felt very dizzy, his eyes filled with bewilderment.

"Well, this bodes poorly," Ozpin grimaced.

"But why are people so up in arms?!" Yang demanded angrily. "Ironwood is fine! Nothing that bad even happened!"

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