M-01: A Beast's Beginning

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The lights in the theater dimmed, as the familiar whir of the projector filled the empty silence. The audience was quiet, as they mused over what they were about to watch. Jaune had proven himself to be a hero not just once, but twice now. Adam, on the other hand, was a figure shrouded in shadow. Nobody knew his backstory, unless he explicitly told them about the events of his past. So they sat and waited, curious to see the story of a known terrorist, even if they weren't based on true events.

The episode began with a black screen, as white, computerized letters appeared out of the darkness, one after another.


With a fearsome cry, Jaune Arc charged forwards, his shield out in front of him, Crocea Mors raised overhead. He lunged forward, thrusting his sword out ahead of him with all his might. A deafening clang filled the air as Adam Taurus deflected the attack with Blush, Wilt still resting within its sheath. The Huntsman stamped a foot down to prevent himself from stumbling, before quickly twisting his hips, spinning into a sideways slice aimed at the Faunus's neck. Adam's back arched as he ducked under the attack, his horns grazing the sword's blade. The Faunus stood up tall again just in time to see Jaune bring Crocea Mors up again to swing it downwards, aimed straight at his masked face. Stepping to the side, Adam allowed the sword to harmlessly slam into the dirt, before swinging Blush out in front of him, striking the Huntsman on the side of the head. He quickly followed up with a thrust kick that sent Jaune tumbling onto his back, several feet away from the Faunus.

"Is that the Jaune Arc of whom you speak?" Winter asked.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded, cringing as she watched the leader of Team JNPR get pummeled. "This must be before the whole Tower of Ozma thing, though, because he was fighting Adam on a lot more equal terms, then."

"He doesn't even have Ebony and Ivory!" Yang realized. "Or that red trench coat we've come to know and love."

Adam removed his left hand from behind his back, where it had been resting, snapping his fingers and then pointing at Jaune. Two White Fang Grunts, who had been hunched over, panting behind the bull Faunus, shakily got to their feet, and rushed the Huntsman. As his two minions attacked his opponent for him, Adam took a moment to see what was going on behind him.

"Whoa! Watch it with that thing, dude! You could hurt someone!" Sun Wukong cracked, backflipping away from the roaring blade of a chainsaw, swung at him by a burly Faunus in a full face mask.

"Hey! Looks like I'm in this story!" Sun laughed, a large, goofy grin on his face. "That's awesome!"

"Be careful, Sun!" Weiss shouted at the monkey Faunus. Currently, the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company was tied to a long pole on top of a large collection of sticks. Several White Fang Grunts were sprawled out on the ground surrounding the pile of wood.

"Oh my gods," Weiss gasped, a hand coming up to her mouth.

"What? What's wrong?" Nora asked, concerned at the disturbed expression on her friend's face. Weiss turned towards her fellow students, her eyes wide with horrified revelation.

"Remember in the first season, how Jaune mentioned that he and Adam had another fight before the Tower of Ozma incident?"

"Of course we do," Blake nodded. "But what does that have to do with-" Suddenly, her ears went flat under her bow, as she placed a hand soberly to her chest. "Oh my gods!"

"That's what we're watching right now, isn't it?" Pyrrha realized, her face pale.

"What's going on with them?" Ghira grunted, worried by the way his daughter she friends were behaving.

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