Mission 18: Invading "Heaven"

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Abe selected the next episode, "Invading 'Heaven'," and pushed play.

The episode began with a Jaune standing atop the Tower of Ozma, looking at the beam of red light leading up into the sky. He shook his head in resignation.

"Well then, let's wrap up this crazy party. Shall we?" Jaune smirked. "Got to clean up the mess Ozma left behind." He stepped into the beam of light, and ascended into the heavens. The screen flashed white.

"There he goes," Ruby smiled. "Watts can't be too far ahead now."

"Let's hope Jaune's not too late," Weiss mumbled.

When the light subsided, Jaune found himself standing in a bright, tranquil world. A marble roadway stretched out into the distance, and a hazy blue void churned beneath him. The Huntsman narrowed his eyes, cracked his knuckles, and took off running.

"Hurry, Mr. Arc," Ozpin whispered. "You cannot let Watts attain the Relic of Choice."

The pathway twisted and turned, but Jaune was undeterred, sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him. As he continued further and further towards his destination, he noticed how his white surroundings were slowing fade to grey.

"Watts must be corrupting this place with his presence," the Huntsman realized.

"That's... not a good sign," Blake cringed. Ms. Goodwitch pursed her lips.

"No, it isn't. If Watts's very presence causes this tranquil realm to literally turn black from evil, then he is worse than any Grimm out there."

As Jaune continued down the marble path, a bolt of lightning suddenly whizzed by his head.

"Whoa!" Coco jumped.

"Where did that come from?!" Coco demanded.

Jaune watched as a group of Fallen all ran down the pathway, swords drawn.

"It's Jaune Arc!" one of the Fallen hissed.

"Kill him!" another snarled. The Huntsman sighed, then snarled as he shifted into his Grimm form.

"I hate having to do this," he growled. "But I don't have time to waste fighting your pawns, Watts!"

"Break their legs, Fearless Leader!" Nora cheered.

Jaune rolled under another bolt of lightning, then charged at the group of corrupted humanoids. He immediately blocked a downward swing, then drove his sword into a Fallen's chest, his enhanced strength allowing him to rip right through the hard light barrier. The Huntsman yanked his sword across the Fallen's stomach, a spray of blood erupting from the vicious tear. The Fallen human collapsed to the ground, but Jaune was already leaping over him, trading blows with another two corrupted humans.

"Damn, Watts brought a small security force with him," Qrow grunted.

"He must've known Jaune was pursuing him," Ren realized.

Jaune grunted as one Fallen's sword managed to tag his cheek, his Aura briefly flashing.

"Give it up, Arc!" the Fallen sneered. "There's more of us than there are of you!" Jaune shot his opponents a fanged grin.

"That is true," he nodded. "But I don't have to take you on alone!" He backflipped away from a stab, simultaneously waving his hand. "Doppelganger!" Immediately, his shadow sprung to life, transforming into an exact lookalike of Jaune, and a shadowy sword forced its way through the Fallen's hard light shield, straight his heart.

"Yes!" Yang fist pumped. "There it is! I was hoping Jaune would use his new toy."

"It kind of reminds me of Blake's Semblance," Pyrrha commented.

Jaune and his double shared a nod, before the two swordsman rushed the trio of Fallen standing in front of them. Doppelganger attacked first, a flurry of slices and cuts forcing the corrupted humanoids backwards. The artificial Huntsman sliced at a Fallen's guts, causing the man to block with his sword, before Jaune leaped over his double, his Claymore sinking into the Fallen's forehead.

"Ha!" Mercury clapped. "Now that's teamwork!"

"Is it really teamwork when it's just one man, though?" Emerald mused.

Jaune kept up his attack, stabbing at a fourth Fallen, then spinning into a slice at the corrupted humanoids neck. The Fallen deflected the attack, then sliced at the Huntsman's face. Jaune ducked, allowing the attack to fly harmlessly over his head, before Doppelganger grabbed the man by the arm, pulling him into a punch. Jaune stood up with a roundhouse kick, knocking the man off the pathway, sending him screaming into the blue abyss below.

"Impressive," Cinder smirked. "The two of them maneuver like a well-oiled machine."

"That's especially amazing, considering Jaune got his hands on Doppelganger maybe five minutes ago," Tai added.

The last Fallen thrusted his sword forward, a bolt of lightning leaping from it, but the Doppelganger jumped forward, taking the hit. It reverted back into Jaune's shadow just as the Huntsman sliced the Fallen across the throat. There was a spray of blood, and then the corrupted humanoid collapsed.

"That oughta do it," Ruby grinned.

"Way to go, Vomit Boy!" Yang whooped.

Jaune stepped over the Fallen's body, continuing down the marble pathway.

"That took longer than I wished," Jaune grumbled, reverting back to his normal form. "I can't afford to waste anymore time." His eyes took on a determined glare. "Just you wait Watts, I'm coming for you!"

The scene changed to show Watts placing the Relic of Choice atop his head, his mustache curling upwards as he smiled. A golden glow surrounded the man, as his eyes transformed into a pair of golden orbs. The episode ended.

"No..." Ozpin gasped. "He's too late! Watts has the Relic of Choice! It's all over!"

"Well, I don't think it is!" Ruby huffed. "Even if that crown can grant wishes, I still think Jaune can beat him."

"But what if Watts wishes him out of existence?" Velvet asked timidly. Nora scoffed.

"It'll take a lot more than a stupid wish to beat our friend!"

"Jaune better fight Watts next episode, or so help me..." Weiss mused. Abe laughed.

"Alright, I won't keep you guys waiting," he sighed. "Next episode, I promise Jaune and Watts will fight."

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