Mission 14: Deep Darkness & Towering Mountains

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"I'm so thankful that Jaune escaped that sinking ship," Pyrrha admitted, a relieved smile on her face.

"Indeed," Weiss nodded. "But now, Jaune has to make his way back to the coliseum, and I find it highly likely that Grimm will come after him."

"Yeah, but at least he won't be fighting them underwater," Yang pointed out. "Now, ssh! It's starting back up again!" She shushed everyone ad the lights dimmed.

The episode began with a Jaune making his way onto the rocky beach of the underground lake. He stood and wronged out his trench coat, turning to look back at the pool of water he emerged from. The ship had shifted and turned after he had escaped from it, so that now its masts were rising out of the depths. Shaking his head, the Huntsman made his way up the beach, eventually coming upon a man made tunnel, with stairs leading up to wooden double doors. Passing through this, Jaune found himself standing in a large circular hallway, with strange, erratic holes interspaced throughout the floor.

"Weird design choice," Nora frowned. "Who in their right mind would think random holes in the floor would make a cool pattern?"

"Oh, please," Adam scoffed. "You can't possibly be that naive, can you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Coco demanded, not likely the way Adam belittled her friend.

"Erratic holes in the floor? A strange, circular hallway that stretches onward? This is obviously a trap of some kind."

"He's right," Qrow nodded. "That's Dungeon Crawler 101 right there."

Jaune cautiously stepped into the hallway, but nothing happened. Carefully, he followed the curving path, until it took him into a side passage next to a long, curving wall. On the wall next to him was a large mural of a crowned skull, and beneath it some words were carved, which the Huntsman read aloud.

"At dusk when darkness is near the curtains shall fall. The Dance of the Bloodthirsty Dead." His mouth tightened into a grimace. "Guess that means more Grimm will come out when it becomes nighttime. Great..."

"What does he mean, Grimm?" Ruby asked. "Didn't it say the dead will be dancing, or something?"

"Haven't you been paying attention in Dr. Oobleck's class?" Ms. Goodwitch chided. "Some ancient cultures believe that the Grimm are the reincarnations of people who committed great crimes. The spirits of bandits and murderers, given psychical form."

"That would actually make sense, from a certain stance," Ren conceded. "Of course, the fact Grimm have no souls disproves that theory."

Jaune moved away from the mural, and followed the rounded wall to an iron gate. Behind the gate was a round, elevated platform. He tugged at the bars, but they wouldn't budge.

"No dice," the Huntsman sighed. "I guess there must be another way to open this." Noticing that the passage continued, Jaune followed it around into another long hallway, with more holes spread randomly throughout the floor. Keeping his eyes at his feet, the Huntsman made his way through the long curving corridor, until he arrived at a wall with a large collection of spikes jutting out from it. In the middle of the spikes was a skeleton, whose empty sockets bore down on him, its right arm extended out in front, with a glimmering bronze shield clutched in its hand. There were also words engraved into the surface of the shield. "The resonating emblem shall undo the seal of the shield," Jaune read. "That must mean those shields at the coliseum!" he realized.

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