Mission 1: Curse of the Bloody Puppets

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MISSION 1: Curse of the Bloody Puppets

With a quiet hum, Abe turned on the projector. The theater darkened, as the images were projected up onto the big screen.

"I'm excited," Ruby squealed. "I can't wait to see what Jaune Arc does next!"

"Is that because he's your husband now?" Yang asked teasingly. Ruby immediately blushed.

"Jaune and Ruby got hitched?" Sun asked in surprise, turning to Weiss. The heiress nodded, smirking.

"Yes. Just like Yang married Mercury." Now it was the blonde's turn to blush.

"Everybody, quiet!" Nora pointed. "It's starting!"

The scene opened to show a fiery background, flames crackling and embers dancing in the wind. In front of the flames was a black figure. He was dressed in heavy black armor, covering all parts of his body. His helmet was bone white, and resembled the skull of a dragon. A pair of red eyes glowed on his darkened face. He clutched a huge sword, which bore a resemblance to Harbinger.

"Who... is... that?" Blake gasped in amazement.

"He looks like a Grimm!" Pyrrha announced.

"Hey, That sword looks like Uncle Qrow's weapon!" Ruby pointed.

The armored swordsman began to perform a slow kata, as a narrator's voice spoke up.

"Two millenniums ago, there was a war. Between the Human World and the other... the Grimm World."

"And that war still has not ended," Ozpin whispered sadly. "For Salem is a powerful ruler, and no one has been able to kill her yet."

"But somebody from the Grimm World woke up to justice, and stood up against this legion, alone." The narrator continued his story, as the armored knight continued his swordplay. "His name was Ozma."

"What?" Glynda's eyes widened. Ozpin's jaw dropped. He was a Grimm in this? But that was all wrong! Qrow could barely contain his laughter.

"Ozma was a Grimm?" Yang asked in surprise.

"That's so cool!" Ruby cheered. "A Grimm that fights against his own kind!"

"Just like Jaune!" Nora smiled.

"What?!" Ghira coughed, as Kali side a double take. "Jaune's a Grimm, too?"

"Not exactly," Cinder shook her head. "You'll see."

"Later, he quietly reigned the human world, and continued to preserve harmony, until his death. He became a legend. The Legendary Dark Knight, Ozma." As the narrator finished his story, the armored man, now known to be Ozma, finished his kata, holding his sword in front of him as he faces the screen.

The scene changed to show the broken moon of Remnant, as another figure appeared in the center of it. It was a woman dressed in black leathers, with long red hair and a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. She landed in the middle of the empty streets of downtown Vale. She put her hands on her hips as she stared at a shop at the end of the street. Big, neon letters stood over the doorway, reading Grimm May Cry.

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