Mission 14: Drive!

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"I can't believe Watts was Jester this entire time," Weiss announced, as Abe passed out more popcorn and drinks.

"And now he's broken the seal for the Relic of Choice," Ozpin lamented. "If he manages to acquire it, anything he so desires will be granted to him. The very world would be his for the taking!"

"Why are you being so melodramatic?" Cinder questioned him. "You're assuming Jaune Arc won't be able to stop him. Now I may not know him as well as you, Headmaster, but I believe that he can still defeat Watts, regardless of whether or not the Relic of Choice has been attained."

"Wow, Cinder, I didn't know you held Jaune in such high esteem," Ruby smiled. She turned back towards the screen, as Abe sat back down.

"Is everybody ready?" he asked.

"Play it!" Nora ordered. "I can't wait to see Fearless Leader break Watts's legs!" Everyone laughed and nodded their agreement as Abe selected the next episode, entitled "Drive!", and pushed play.

The episode began showing the outside of the Tower of Ozma, which cracked and crumbled as it shook from the ritual that was completed last episode. Suddenly, the tower began to grow, its walls breaking off as the altar rose higher and higher into the air. Watts stood close to the center of the large, cylindric altar, next to the small pool of blood. His arms were folded as he looked up at the sky with a determined glare. Finally, his ascent stopped, and he looked down on the city below him, a triumphant smile on his face as he stroked his mustache.

"Aw man, Jaune already has to climb back up this tower, now it's bigger?" Coco groaned. "That's just unfair!"

"Hope the kid didn't skip leg day," Qrow commented.

The scene then switched back to the Lair of Judgement, where Jaune, Ruby, and Glynda were all congregated. Jaune and Ruby quickly untied her stepmom, allowing her stand of her own accord. Glynda removed her gag, then rubbed her sore wrists.

"Are you okay?" Jaune asked. His former teacher coughed, then nodded.

"Yes, thanks to you two," she told them. Ruby wrapped her arms around her stepmom, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she smiled.

"Aww, look at Ruby, caring for her stepmother!" Mercury grinned, causing both Ruby and Ms. Goodwitch's faces to turn red, as all the girls cooed and the boys laughed.

"Was that really necessary, Mr. Black?" she demanded.

"I thought it was pretty funny," Yang admitted, laughing along with the guys.

As she broke away from Glynda, Ruby noticed Jaune was looking up, staring intently at the top of the large cylindrical tower.

"You're going after him, aren't you?" she deduced. The Huntsman nodded.

"Yeah." Ruby looked back at Glynda, who nodded.

"Well, we're coming with you." Jaune shook his head.

"Ruby, you won't stand a chance against Watts. Your Aura hasn't even fully recovered yet." He pointed back at her stepmother with his thumb. "Besides, you already did what you came here to do."

"Maybe so, but I'm a Huntress, and as such, it's my responsibility to protect the people of Remnant, first and foremost."

"She's right," Glynda agreed. "And even if it wasn't, I'm not going to let Watts get away with so deeply humiliating me!" Her eyes were on fire, and her Aura crackled around her, causing Ruby and Jaune to take nervous step backwards.

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