Mission 17: Parted Memento

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"Alright, it's time to finally uncover the mystery behind the Staff of Hermes!" Nora cheered, as everyone settled back down into their seats. The lights began to dim.

"Oh, boy! Here we go!" Ruby giggled giddily.

The episode began with Jaune outside the chapel, standing at the edge of the broken bridge. The platform bearing the symbol of the Staff of Hermes hovered still above the waters of Remnant, facing the Huntsman. Without a word, Jaune shifted into his Grimm form, a pair of wings unfurling from his back a second later. He took a running jump, then calmly flew himself over to the floating platform. When he landed on it, he pulled out the staff of Hermes, then held it up in front of its insignia. A bright light lit up from the staff.

"Huh, I wonder what that's going to do?" Pyrrha questioned.

Jaune watched as a pair of images appeared in the sky. One of the images depicted the castellan's bedroom, where he had first run into Myrmidon. The second depicted a dark study, with bookshelves and a cluttered desk.

"Curious," the Huntsman mused.

"Whoa, its like paintings in the sky!" Sun whistled. "But why did they show up?"

"Maybe they're some sort of teleportation device," Blake suggested.

"That's the castellan's bedroom," Jaune recalled, looking at the second image. Then he looked towards the first. "I don't recall seeing any room like that, however." Cautiously, he approached the image of the study, stretching out a clawed hand, which phased right through. The Huntsman retracted his hand, looking at it for a moment, then stepped into the image, finding himself inside the study.

"It appears as though Ms. Belladonna was correct," Ozpin noted.

"Good guess, Blake!" Yang smiled.

Jaune's wings retracted back into his body as he approached the desk, his curiosity peaked by a book laying on the desk of the study. He picked it up, then began to read. "'Evil' is the darkness as well as the shadows. It exists everywhere. Be forewarned, where there is light, there is darkness. In darkness, no shadow can exist." The Huntsman tilted his head, then continued to read. "'Evil' is a reflection of man, thus 'Evil' lurks inside the mirror. One with Grimm qualities may bring the blue stone 'Elixir' and stand before the mirror." Jaune closed the book, bringing a clawed hand to his chin. "I remember Alastor mentioning a blue stone. And I'm guessing that mirror they're talking about is the one in the castellan's bedroom." His mouth curled into a sharp-toothed grin. "I know what I need, and where to take it. Now I just need to find this Elixir."

"Clever, very clever," Qrow smirked. "This castle had everything Jaune needs to enter the Grimm World spread out around it. It's just the simple matter of finding everything."

"It would actually be rather easy, if it weren't for all the Grimm roaming the halls," Cinder pointed out.

Spying an open doorway at the end of the study, Jaune made his way through it and up a spiral staircase leading up a tower. When he finally reached the top, he watched as an image appeared in front of him, showcasing the inside of a coliseum, similar to where he had fought Griffith for the last time. He stepped into the image, and found himself standing in the center of the ancient arena. A pair of large wooden doors stood across from him, so the Huntsman made his way towards them. As he stretched out a hand to push the, open, however, growling caught his attention. Jaune turned around, and then snarled himself as he saw what was behind him.

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