Mission 15: Wheel of Destiny

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"All right, Jaune! Defeat Griffith, and you're halfway home!" Nora cheered, reclining in her seat as the theater turned dark.

"It's weird," Weiss commented. "If Mundus originated two thousand years ago, he should be long since dead. So why are his Grimm still following his orders as though he were still alive?"

"Grimm have no sense of time," Ms. Goodwitch informed her. "They probably aren't even aware he's passed away." She turned back towards the screen. "Now, let's pay attention, and see what happens next."

The episode began with Jaune stepping out of a stone dome, back into the walled valley he and Griffith had faced each other for the first time. The coliseum loomed in front of him. The Huntsman stepped forward, only to be showered in dirt as a pair of Death Stalkers burst from the ground.

"Of course, he can't just get to the coliseum," Cinder sighed, shaking her head. "That would be too easy."

Jaune dodged a tail strike from one of the Death Stalkers, before rolling aside as it leaped into the air, attempting to crush him. He stood up in time to see the other Death Stalker scuttle towards him, thrusting a claw at him. The Huntsman parried the blow with Ifrit, before thrusting his flaming gauntlet into the Grimm's face, causing a large crack to form in its chitin. Drawing Alastor, Jaune shoved his sword into the Death Stalker's head. With a shriek, the Grimm flailed its claws and tail, before collapsing.

"Nice one!" Yang smirked. "Now don't let up!"

Pulling his sword out of the crumbling Death Stalker, Jaune turned around and watched as the other Grimm approached. The Death Stalker thrusted its tail at the Huntsman a second time, only for Jaune to hack off its stinger with Alastor. The Grimm screeched in pain, scuttling about wildly as it waved its pincers. Jaune picked up the stinger, then charged for the Death Stalker, leaping up into the air before using Ifrit to drive the poisoned barb straight through the Grimm's head.

"Just like in Initiation!" Pyrrha smiled fondly of her memories that day.

Jaune watched the Death Stalkers crumble to dust, then headed for the coliseum. He briefly looked at the door with the two knights, who still were clutching empty air, before heading left, approaching the door barred with the blue shield. Pulling out the shield he had taken from the skeleton, the Huntsman watched as the doorway shimmered, before the blue shield faded away. He entered, and immediately, discovered it was pitch black dark inside.

"Good thing my Scroll is still full charged," he mused, turning on his flashlight once again. Seeing a staircase, Jaune descended into a circular room. Spying a metal door to his right, the Huntsman opened it and headed down a small hallway, before stopping. In front of him was a curved corridor, and the floor in front of him was moving, heading back towards a wall lined with spikes. "This again, huh?" he sighed.

"You've already done it once!" Ruby smiled. "You'll be fine!"

"Famous last words," Blake murmured.

"Hey! Don't jinx it, Blake!" Ruby pouted.

Jaune took a deep breath, then stepped onto the moving floor, before breaking into a jog. At the speed he was going, he was slowly making progress down the hallway, and was able to see the spears that thrusted out of the wall in front of him.

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