Mission 18: Spirit Stone, "Elixer"

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"I cannot believe that Trish has been working with a Mundus this entire time!" Pyrrha seethed, angry with her onscreen counterpart for betraying Jaune.

"It makes sense, though," Weiss admitted. "You're dead in this universe, so maybe Mundus created a Grimm in your image to lure Jaune to the island."

"But for what reason?" Ren wondered. "I can't think of any reason Mundus would have for initiating a confrontation with Jaune."

"I guess we'll just have to keep watching, and find out," Blake suggested, as the lights dimmed.

The episode began with Jaune standing in the center of the room where he had defeated the Myrmidon and freed Qrow from his enslavement. Presently, the Huntsman was standing over the Grimm Knight's dropped sword, which had embedded itself into the ground. He stretched out a hand and lifted the sword up. As he did this, black smoke billowed around the blade, reverting the weapon back to its original form.

"This ought to be good," Qrow grinned.

Jaune smirked, as the Grimm Knight's sword reverted into the Harbinger, the chosen weapon of the Legendary Dark Knight. The Huntsman held the large blade aloft over its head, and watched as a bolt of black lightning leapt down from ceiling, striking the weapon, causing it to emit a ghostly, blood red aura. Jaune held the Harbinger out in front of him, watching as the sword extended, transforming into a large lance with a curved blade. He lifted the large weapon over his head, causing the lance's blade to shift, turning into a giant scythe. The Huntsman gave the reaping blade an experimental swing, then held it to the ground, watching as it reverted back into a sword. Bracing the Harbinger on his shoulder, Jaune spread his other arm outward. The room spun around, showcasing him from different angles as the Huntsman briefly assumed the image of Ozma, his ancestor. Finally, Jaune sheathed the Harbinger on his back, over Alastor, as the legendary sword crackled with black electricity.

"He's using Uncle Qrow's sword?!" Ruby was suffering from an amazement overload. "THAT'S SO COOL!!!"

"Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how Vomit Boy handles the Harbinger," Yang smirked.

With the Harbinger now added to his arsenal, Jaune watched as a black portal appeared in the center of the room, continuously pulling itself inwards, but never growing unstable. Shrugging, the Huntsman stepped into the portal, and found himself standing back on top of the tower. A new image appeared before him, this one of an ancient dungeon, flooded with water.

"Oh, great, more swimming," Jaune sighed, before he stepped into the image. He immediately found himself bobbing in the middle of the submerged hallway, with a barred cell on either side of him. Cadavers, shackled to the walls, floated at the top of their confinements.

"Ugh, that would be so eerie!" Coco shuddered.

"The sooner he gets out of here, the better," Velvet agreed.

Jaune swam down the flooded hallway and around a corner, past several more dungeon cells and their grisly inhabitants. An open doorway awaited in front of the Huntsman, so he paddled right on through. On the other side was a large, spacious room. In the wall left of where he entered was a large iron gate, which had a statue of a rearing horse on either side of him.

"How is he supposed to open that?" Sun demanded.

Even while underwater, a familiar swooshing noise alerted Jaune to another presence in the room. He looked up in time to see a Geist descending from the ceiling, a pair of large scissors clutched in its hands.

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