Mission 8: A Renewed Fear

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Abe selected the next episode, entitled "A Renewed Fear," and pushed play.

"I sure hope Jaune is okay," Ruby said quietly.

"He's not okay," Ozpin told her sadly. "The poor boy has been transformed into a literal monster. He will never be okay."

The episode opened, revealing Jaune standing atop the tower, looking at his clawed hands. He lifted one of them to his head, and felt the white mask that covered his upper face.

"Have I become a Grimm?" he whispered, his voice filled with horror. "No, it can't be!" He pried at the mask, but it wouldn't budge. "Please, don't let it be true!" he pleaded.

"Poor Jaune!" Velvet sniffled.

"I don't want to be a Grimm!" Jaune sobbed. "I... I..." Suddenly, Jaune's red eyes widened. He looked back down to his chest, where a white light began to shine. "I..." he trailed off as the light spread throughout his entire body. "I feel so much better!" Jaune choked in disbelief.

"Wait, what?!" Yang was caught off guard.

"He feels... better?" Weiss was equally surprised.

Jaune flexed his muscles, his mouth full of sharp teeth agape as the white light faded. His body reverted back to normal. Jaune looked at his hands again, confusion evident on his face.

"Was I imagining things?" he wondered aloud. The Huntsman felt his body, then concentrated on his hand. His signature white Aura glowed in his palm. "I guess it was just a hallucination," he mused.

"His Aura's back already?" Blake said in awe.

"Wow Ren, our Fearless Leader sure recovered fast!" Nora grinned.

"Yes he did," Ren nodded. "Although I still think the Grimm he transformed into may actually have been real."

"Well, hallucination or not, he's back to his normal self now," Pyrrha sighed in relief.

Just then, Jaune's attention was caught by the shrieks and cries of Grimm. Jaune quickly retrieved his Claymore, which had remained embedded in the top of the tower. Then he sprinted over to the edge of the tower, and looked down. Several human sized Teryx were flying their way up to meet him. Jaune grinned.

"Time to do what I do best," he chuckled. Then he leapt of the side of the tower.

"Is he insane?!" Coco demanded. "He just survived two fatal injuries, and then goes and pulls a stunt like that?!"

"Heh, I like this kid!" Qrow laughed. "He's my kind of awesome." He pointed at the screen. Coco looked over, then removed her glasses in shock.

Jaune Arc ran down the side of the tower, whipping out Ebony and Ivory. He quickly started firing off rounds, the bullets tearing through the Teryx as they zoomed towards him. Several of the winged Grimm burst into steam, but twice as many swooped up to take their place. As a small group of Teryx banded together, attempting to gang up on the Huntsman, Jaune temporarily jumped off the side of the tower, switching his guns to rapid fire mode, his body spinning like a drill. More Teryx evaporated as the Dust-infused bullets ripped apart their bodies. As even more Grimm appeared out of the darkness far below, Jaune leapt off the side of the tower a second time, and began using the Teryx as stepping stones, breaking backs and crushing heads with his feet. One of the winged reptilian Grimm flew up behind Jaune, attempting to ambush him, but the Huntsman turned into a roundhouse kick that snapped its head clean off.

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