M-19: Shi no Niwa

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"Adam's made pretty good progress so far," Qrow commented, as the lights began to dim again. "I wonder how close he is to fighting Crimson."

"Well, he had to go up twenty floors before he could bypass the security gate," Winter pointed out. "And it looked like he bypassed at least twenty more when he was running up the side of the building."

"Still, the Atlas Titans headquarters is very large," Ironwood added. "It may be a while before Adam finally makes it to the top."

The episode began with Adam, back in his human form, making his way down a long red hallway, towards a wooden pair of double doors, with a Mistralian Yucca Tree on either side of the door frame.

"Quite a ways up now, aren't you?" Pietro commented. "Almost there! I have just finished analyzing their latest security data. You should find an indoor garden up ahead."

"A garden, huh?" the bull Faunus mused. "Sounds fancy."

"Oh, it will be very fancy. It's a Mistralian garden, after all," the Atlasian scientist clarified. "It is an area set aside for VIPs. Apparently one of the Atlas Titans' directors is a rather serious Mistralian culture enthusiast."

"All right, so what's this got to do with me? Is there something I need from the garden?" Adam asked.

"Not at all! You simply need to pass through there in order to access an elevator to the upper floors," Pietro informed the bull Faunus. "I found a route to the elevator controls through the unit we hijacked downstairs. I have located the server room as well. You can reach it via this other elevator."

"Great work, Pietro," Adam smiled.

"Elementary, my dear Adam! Now, head for the garden."

"A Mistralian garden?" Pyrrha smiled. "You guys are in for a treat. They're one of the most beautiful parts of my homeland's culture."

"It's true," Ren nodded. "My father had the chance to see one when he visited the Kingdom Capital. It was all he could talk about for the rest of the day when he got back."

"Oh, boy! I can't wait!" Nora gushed.

Adam pushed open the double doors, making his way into the next room. There, he paused for a moment to admire his surroundings.

The room he stood in was a large, Mistralian garden, full of cherry trees that were currently in blossom, the pink petals blowing gently in a gentle breeze. A small wooden bridge, which stretched over an indoor pond and stream that was filled with cattails and lily pads, led to an impressive recreation of a Mistralian pagoda. Stage lights illuminated the key points of the garden, leaving the rest of the room to be artistically shrouded in a blanket of darkness.

For a moment, the audience was silent, as they marveled at the garden Adam found himself standing within.

"It's beautiful..." Blake murmured finally.

"That's putting it lightly," Yang whispered, too much in awe for a humorous comeback.

"This is the most breathtaking garden I've ever seen!" Weiss gasped. "The hedge maze of the Schnee Family Manor could never compare!"

"It's like it hopped out of a painting!" Ruby breathed in amazement.

As Adam prepared to head across the bridge, he noticed a man standing on the other side of the small wooden arch. The figure was clad in black armor, and wore a red devil mask that concealed the entirety of his face. A sheathed katana hung from the man's belt, which he currently clutched in his left hand.

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