Mission 17: Inner-Demons

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As Abe set up the next episode, Tai finally regained consciousness.

"Welcome back to the land of of the living," Qrow chuckled. The single dad rubbed his head, before sternly glaring at Yang, who shrugged. Tai shook his head.

"What did I miss?" he asked.

"Last time Ruby found out Jaune was a Grimm, she kissed him, and then Jaune went to go fight Watts," Nora recapped.

"Is everybody ready?" Abe asked, sitting back down in his reclining chair.

"Please tell me Jaune fights Watts in this episode," Ruby begged. Abe shook his head.


"Ugh!" Weiss groaned. "I swear, it's like you enjoy dragging this story on just to spite us!" Abe chuckled.

"Don't worry, it'll all be over soon." He selected the next episode, entitled "Inner-Demons," and pushed play.

The episode began with Watts walking along an ivory trail that was suspended over a hazy blue void. In front of him was a large, barred golden gate. Watts strode up to the gate, and stretched out a hand to push on it. The barred gate swung open, revealing a shorter pathway that led up to a pedestal made of diamond, with a red cushion laying atop it. Resting upon the cushion was a golden crown, with several precious embedded throughout it. Watts's lips curled into a smile.

"Is that the Relic of Choice?" Blake asked, nervousness evident in her voice. Ozpin nodded his head gravely.

"It is," he confirmed. "The most powerful of the Relics. If Watts acquires it, anything he so desires will be given to him."

"Hurry, Jaune," Pyrrha whispered urgently.

The scene changed to show Jaune running down a long hallway. He was back in his human form, and his blue eyes were narrowed in a determined glare. At the end of the hallway was a blue door, that Jaune shoved open, not even slowing down for a second. He found himself inside a large, square room. A collection of cubes hovered above the Huntsman's head, floating aimlessly around or staying stationary. At the top of the room was a small balcony, and another door, green in color.

"Oh, that's great, looks like Vomit Boy's got some parkour obstacle course to get through," Yang groaned.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Ren smiled.

Jaune looked up at the door above him, then studied the floating cubes. Finally, the Huntsman smiled.

"An aerial obstacle course, huh?" Jaune smirked. "Let's see if my time in Atlas Academy paid off." He took a running leap and grabbed onto the first cube that levitated near him. He pulled himself up, then jumped onto the next platform as it floated by.

Ms. Goodwitch leaned in towards Ozpin.

"Does Atlas really have a training room like this?" she asked. The headmaster nodded.

"They do. I will admit, I'm rather envious of James. Unfortunately, we don't have the funds to construct such an arena."

"Mostly because the money we do have goes to fund your coffee," Ms. Goodwitch muttered.

Slowly but surely, Jaune leapt his way from one cube to another, making his way to the top of the room. At about the halfway point, the Huntsman leaped onto a stationary cube, which immediately dropped out from under him.

"Oh!" Velvet covered her eyes with her hands and ears. Coco laughed.

"He's okay, Bun-Bun. See?" She pointed at the TV.

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