Mission 4: The Uninvited One

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Abe moved the episode select cursor to episode 4, entitled "The Uninvited One", and pressed play.

The episode opened once again at the top of Ozma's Tower, where Adam Taurus stood waiting. His peaceful meditation was interrupted by the ring of his Scroll. Pulling the communication device from his pocket, he brought it up to his face.

"Taurus," the masked Faunus mumbled.

"Adam, we appear to have an uninvited guest," the rich voice of Watts was heard. The bull-horned man's head tilted.

"Is that so?" he asked.

"Yes. A human girl." Adam's grip on his sword tightened.

"That won't be a problem, will it?" Adam demanded. Watts's laughter echoed out of the Scroll.

"Don't worry, boy, I'll persuade her to leave. I can be very insistent when I need to be." Adam nodded.

"Good. And what of Ozma's Seal? Have you found it yet?"

"Sadly, no. Our little tour guard is being quite resistant. But we'll locate it, eventually."

"Good. Keep me posted if anything changes, Watts. I shall await Jaune Arc here." Adam closed his scroll, then pocketed it. "Once I obtain your blood, Arc, I shall use the Relic of Choice to create a new world, where the Faunus are truly free, and Humanity will be on their knees for a change." He looked out into the distance, as dark clouds began to roll towards the city of Vale. "Get ready, Remnant," Adam smiled grimly. "A storm is approaching."

"Well... that's foreboding," Glynda commented.

"As it should be," Ozpin agreed. He turned to Abe. "I must hand it to you, the delivery of that line is quite poetic."

"Thank you," Abe smiled. "I tried to stay as true to everyone's character as I could."

"Adam..." Blake whispered. She knew fully well that Adam wished to bring discrimination against the Faunus to an end. But it broke her heart to see how far he was willing to go to obtain what he thought would make all Faunus-kind happy. Her quiet musings went unnoticed by her friends, however.

"Hey look guys!" Ruby said excitedly. "Jaune's back on screen!"

The scene switched to show Jaune as he quickly decapitated an Apathy, before his handguns blew off the heads of two others.

"Man, this reminds me of those Dungeon Crawler games," he chuckled, rolling away from a scythe swipe behind him. Quickly turning, he drew his Claymore and bisected his ambusher. "Though I can't help but wonder why there are so many Grimm crawling around such a holy place," he mused.

"I agree with Jaune for once," Weiss nodded. "You'd think that this Ozma, guardian of the Relic of Choice, would've had the power to keep his dwelling place from being tainted with Grimm."

"Yeah, what kind of crappy god is Ozma?" Qrow added. "Right Ozpin?"

"Er... quite," the Headmaster of Beacon stuttered.

"Well, I guess they do add a little extra security around this place..." a bullet slamming into the wall near the Huntsman's head interrupted his train of thought, as a group of White Fang made their way down to him.

"There he is!" One of them shouted.

"Jaune Arc, your blood will be ours!" a Faunus with bat ears atop his head shouted, causing Jaune to snigger. "And no, I am not a vampire!"

"Right on time, guys!" Jaune smiled, pulling out Cerberus. "I've been looking for an opportunity to take this out for a test run!" Sheathing his Claymore, Jaune charged at the group of White Fang, and what followed could only be described as an epic beatdown. Jaune whooped and cheered as his tripartite nunchaku whipped and twirled around him, striking White Fang goons left and right in the chest, face, or groin.

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