Bonus Mission 2

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A note from Abe (the Author, not the stand-in character)

So, I've been planning on doing some original stories in place of the DMC Anime and DmC: Devil May Cry, undoubtedly the worst game of the entire franchise. As such, I'm in the need for some original characters. I've got one already: A cat Faunus named Calico, with a Semblance that will be revealed when he appears. Unfortunately, I have yet to finalize some ideas for his first name or his weaponry (the first name is because of the naming rule in RWBY, and the weaponry is because I'm just stumped). Therefore, for this bonus mission, it would be greatly appreciated by me if you people could generously suggest some ideas for Calico's first name, as well as his weaponry. The person who's ideas I choose will be credited in the first chapter Calico appears in.

And rest assured, the next chapter of Grimm May Cry 3 will be released soon.

Your humble entertainer (who's laying it on rather thick right now, wouldn't you agree?),

Farmer Abe.

Here is the official RWBY naming rule, for those who need it.

The rules state that names of characters in RWBY must live up to at least one of the following requirements:

Be a colorSound like a colorMean a colorMakes people think of a color

The name can live up to this rule through a combination of requirements. For example, it can sound like a word that means a color or makes people think of a color, and it can sound like a word that means something that makes people think of a color.

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