Bonus Mission 1

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Meanwhile, back in Beacon...

"Cardin, should we really be doing this to Jaune?" Russel asked, as he, Sky, and the leader of Team CRDL worked together to set a bucket of ice water up over Team JNPR's bedroom.

"Yeah, I mean, you still owe him for that Incident at Forever Fall, and this is how you repay him?" Sky added.

"Shut up, you two!" Cardingrowled. "He saved my life, sure, but there's nothing wrong with a prank among friends, right?" Russel started to say something else, but Cardin quickly shushed him. "Quiet! I hear him coming!" The trio quickly finisjed setting up their trap, them quickly hid in a corner of Team JNPR's room. This is going to be so good!" Cardin chuckled. The door opened, and bucket tipped over spilling cold water all over...

"Dove?!" Sky said out loud in horror.

"You... absolute... idiots!" Dove managed to snarled through his chattering teeth. "Mrs. Goodwitch has been looking for you guys for over half an hour! I'd suggest going to her office right now, or we'll all get detentions for a month!"

"Oh crap!" Russel groaned.

"We gotta go!" Cardin shouted, his eyes wide. The three members of a Team Cardinal rushed through the door, tripping and falling over each other. Dove watched them leave, then knocked on the bathroom door. "It's safe to come out now," he called. Out of the bathroom door stepped Jaune, who grinned at the sopping wet member of Team CRDL.

"Thanks, Dove," he smiled, handing him a stack of lien. "Here's the fifty lien I owe you." Dove gratefully pocketed his due payment, still shivering from the glacial shower he just received.

"Anything for a friend, Jaune," he grinned.

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