Mission 9: Faded Memories

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"Alright, looks like I need to switch disks," Abe mused, fiddling with his DVD player. "Let me just insert the next collection of episodes, and we can continue this tale."

"I'm excited," Pyrrha admitted. "I can't wait to see what Jaune does next!"

"Me too," Weiss agreed. "He may be a dork, but he makes for a compelling protagonist." Just then, there was some thumping from downstairs. "What was that?" she demanded. Abe looked up.

"I don't know. I'll go check." he handed the DVD case to Ruby, who was standing close. "Take over for me, will you?" Ruby nodded.

"On it." Abe walked downstairs, grabbing his baseball bat along the way. Ruby inserted the next DVD into the player. Everyone turned to the stairway as Abe came back upstairs.

"More people have shown up," he told them. "Recognize anyone?" Ruby and Yang gasped.

"Dad?!" They squealed in unison. Taiyang Xiao Long ran forward, scooping both his daughters into a hug.

"Hey girls," he greeted them, then looked them up and down. "Are you okay?" Ruby nodded.

"We're fine. We've just been watching some TV." Tai looked intrigued.

"What kind of TV?" he asked.

"It's about one of our friends," Yang explained. Then she realized something. "Wait, didn't you say people? As in, more than one?" she asked Abe. It was at that moment that more people appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Cinder? Mercury? Emerald?" Blake asked, mildly surprised. "What're you all doing here?" Tai chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"I may have recruited them to help me rescue you guys," he admitted.

"Yes, and I see now that our services were completely required," Cinder stated flatly, rolling her eyes. "Oh, the danger that lurks in this place: too much television!"

"This was a complete waste of time," Emerald agreed. Mercury shrugged.

"Well, we're here now." He walked over to the couch, and sat down next to Qrow. "You said you were watching TV?"

"Yeah, and its about our Fearless Leader, and it's totally AWESOME!" Nora practically bellowed. Pyrrha turned to Abe.

"Can we start the next episode, please?" Abe nodded.

"Sure." He picked up his remote, and selected the next episode, "Faded Memories." Cinder looked bored, but she joined Mercury on the couch, Emerald following suit, as the episode began to play.

The episode started with Ruby standing at the bottom of Ozma's Tower, Crescent Rose in its scythe form. She was looking back and forth, scanning for any sign of Grimm.

"Just you wait, Watts," she whispered. "When I make it back up there, I'm coming for you and mother! I don't care who I have to go through to save her!"

"Mother?" Tai said aloud. He turned to Ruby. "Summer is still alive in this world?" Ruby's slightly somber expression confirmed his disbelief for him. "I guess that's a no, then," he sighed.

"Yes, instead you're married to Ms. Goodwitch," Weiss informed him. Tai's mouth dropped open.

"Are you serious?" he asked, wide eyed. Glynda nodded.

"It's true," she told him. "I was just as surprised as you are."

At that moment, the body of the Monstra smashed into the ground right in front of the Huntress. With a comical shriek of fright, she backed up a good twenty feet, staring at the corpse in surprise. A second later, the Whale Grimm began to slowly melt into a black ooze.

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