Raven Academy

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Chapter 1-

It had been two months. Two months since that awful day. The day that my parents died in the car accident.

We had just been driving along, laughing at something my dad said. It was so normal that it made what happened next so much more painful. The truck came out of nowhere, slamming into the right side of the car (right into my mother) and launching us off the road. The tree came next. We rolled over off the road, rolling until the tree stopped us by slamming into the right (dad and I's side). All this happened in a matter of seconds, hardly giving me time to scream. I was left a bloody mess in the upside down car. I was barely hanging on, barely whispering my parents names. Little did I know they were already gone. So, I was alone. I tried as best I could to stay conscious. I scratched and banged at the cracked windows, I called for help, I did everything I could. But it was useless. I was trapped, as good as dead. I finally gave up and layed down in the banged up car. I couldn't look at my parents, but I grabbed each of their now cold hands, letting myself go. The last thing I thought I saw was a bright light, filling up the entire car. I thought I was dead.

But I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see a middle aged man with wide brown eyes looking at me.

"Kid? Kid? Wake up! Please wake up!" I tried to sit up but he pushed me back down, saying he was going to get my parents. Tears streamed down my face as I fought to keep my eyes open. But they eventually closed against my will and the nightmares came for the first night of many.


"Isabel!" Someone banged on my door, making me jump awake. Realizing it was only the butler, Robert, I closed my jade green eyes, and flopped back down in my dad's old bed. I wiped the tears out of my eyes, realizing I was having the dream again. Reliving the crash.

"Isabel, your grandfather requests you meet him in his office." Robert calls through the door.

"I said to call me Izzy!" I yell as his footsteps fade away. I groan. Nobody seems to get that I want to be called Izzy here.

I lay back down, breathing in the smell of my dad. I've loved and hated staying here. It reminds me so much of him. He lived here until he met my mom and got married.

One thing I don't understand is how my dad turned out the way he was. Happy and playful. The complete opposite of my grandfather. In the two months I've been living with him, I haven't seen him laugh or smile once. He's always so serious and he never jokes around. He acts at home just like he does at his school. He's the principal- excuse me, Headmaster- at some fancy shmancy school. He hasn't been working since my parents died, but I know he has to go back soon. It's the summer but apparently this school hasn't heard of that. They have school year around. I actually can't wait until he goes back. He'll stop annoying me.

I finally get up and get ready before my grandfather can get mad. I just put my auburn hair into a pony tail like every other day and throw on some clothes. I don't care what I look like if I'm just in my grandfather's mansion. Yes, I said mansion. Apparently he's also filthy stinkin' rich. My parents were supposed to get all his money when he died but now everything will be mine.

I walk slowly down the dark halls of the mansion, looking at the photos of relatives I've never met. Finally, despite me going as slow as I could, I reach my grandfather's office.

I lightly tap on the door as I walk into the dusty smelling room. My grandfather doesn't even look up, just motions for me to sit. I roll my eyes as I plop down in his hard chair and cross my legs.

"What's up?"

My grandfather turns his cold black eyes on me. I know now why his last name is Raven. His eyes look so dark and beady that they look like that of a raven.

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