Chapter 21-

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Yay! Another snippet! I'll do this from Izzy's POV later. Enjoy!:3


Chapter 21-

Lexi Crimson's POV~

"Fear not for the LORD your God is with you where ever you may go. Joshua 1:9" That's why I'm afraid of nothing. Okay, well, maybe I'm afraid of one thing.

Having my friends and family taken away from me.

That's why I saved Izzy.

And I payed the price by doing so.

I still remember when the fire touched the end of my wing, burning the feathers and part of the wing off. Everyone still thinks that she healed it that day when all her powers came at once like a tidal wave, but I've tried flying lately. The nurse examined it for me with her X-Ray vision and said part of the bone structure was missing.

She said it would never grow back.

I closed my worn and dirty Bible and put it in my backpack. I looked around the Cafateria, my eyes landing on all my friends at the usual table. Ellie kept looking around, trying to find me, but I put up the mind wall so that she couldn't hear my thoughts. I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. Ya know, since I'll never fly on my own again. I put my arms on the table, crossing them and then places my head inside of the shell. I do this often to avoid people's gaze. When Ellie and I first got here, everyone stared at us and called us the most freaky of all the freaks there because of our sharing of the elements and our wings. Then Sera came into the picture and taught them a lesson. I smiled inside at the memory.

"Two men walked into a bar." A voice said, sitting next to me. I smiled but didn't lift my head. "I can see you smiling Lexi."

I raised my head as Luke chuckled next to me. "You and Ellie are the only ones that can get me out of my shell." I whispered.

Luke smiled that cheeky smile of his. He ran his hand through his dark black hair and then reached for my hand. He gripped it tightly, the gold around his hazel eyes shinning bright. My crystal blue eyes met his as he pushed the peice of long red hair that covered out of my face and behind my ear. "What are you doing Saturday night?" He asked.

My lips curled into a smile. "I had plans to meet with Izzy, Ellie and Jonah. Izzy found something very... Uncommon. She thinks that me with my math solving power and Ellie and Jonah's future reading thing that we can figure it out."

"I know Jonathon is my best friend and all, but why is Ellie dating him? Why isn't she dating Jonah?"

I pursed my lips together. "I don't know. Good question."

Luke nodded. "How about Sunday night?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'm free." I replied.

"Good. Now come on, we need to go and hang out with our friends."

I shook my head quickly.

Luke sighed and stood up, pulling me with him. I tried to resist and sit back down, but something incredible, mysterious and frightening happened at that moment.

Luke's warm lips met my mine.

My eyes widened and pulled away quickly, backing up into the table and tripping over the seat. Luke caught my arm and pulled me back up onto my feet. "You okay?"

I shook my head and then nodded. "Yeah, I-I'm fine. You just surprised me."

"In a good way or a bad way?" Luke teased.

I half smiled. "In a good way." I whispered.

Luke smiled really, really, really big and took my hand again. He leaned over and pecked me softly on the lips. "Let's go and finish lunch with our friends."

I nodded and let him drag me away, hiding my smile.

That was my first kiss.

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