Real Chapter 31-

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Chapter 31-

Izzy's POV-

I can't think. I just can't. I can't breathe. I have no idea what's happening to me. I just know I have no control.

But I do feel the pain. The pain like a thousand volts of electricity is racing through my bones, like its crushing them or expanding them. I can't tell.

All I can see is darkness. I can hear some shouts, but other than that.... It's silent.

I'm only aware of the pain, the shouts... And the fight. Not the fight I'm sure is going on outside, but the fight within me. As the Darkness presses inside of me, I fight for the light. Someone- something- not myself is trying to take me over. I can't even think about what I'm fighting as It slowly takes over my thoughts. I don't know why I'm fighting, I just know I'm going to lose.

As I slowly die- I'm not sure if I'm actually dying, but it feels like it- I hear someone call out my name. A small light appears in front of me.


3rd Person POV-

Josh screams out as Reaper and him mix together. Reaper falls to the ground, bringing Josh with him. He can hear his thoughts as he fights.

'Josh! Get out of me!' Reaper screams, holding his head in pain.

'Release her and I'll release you!' Josh struggles to think from the Darkness blocking his view.

'Sorry, Josh. Can't do that.'

Josh whispers a spell, sending pulses of light flowing through them. Reaper screams and Josh is launched out, falling to the ground. Josh looks back towards where his body is. He sticks his hand through his chest, expecting to be sucked back in... But nothing happens...

'No...' Josh thinks. He can already feel himself fading away. He looks back at Izzy, losing to the Darkness.

"Izzy!" Josh screams out, knowing she couldn't hear him though. But, she turns around, half of her looking like she recognizes him, the other already gone.

'There's still a chance.' Josh looks towards Reaper, still unconscious on the ground. Jezebel has disappeared. Running towards Izzy, he doesn't pass through her.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, closing her eyes as tears slip through. Josh takes her face in his quickly fading hands, and brings his lips to hers.


"No!" Ellie screams, the world seeming to stop. She crawls over to Jonathan, almost scared to touch him. She doesn't even pay attention as the others take the guy out. She holds Jonathan as his breathing slows. "Please don't die, Jonathan..."

Lexi watches her sister, feeling so helpless. The others stand beside her, tears pricking their eyes.

"New love will die while true shall prevail" Jonah whispers beside of Lexi. Lexi looks over at him, it suddenly clicking into place in her mind. Jonathan and Ellie had just started dating. The true love was Jonah and Ellie. He was right for her. Everyone knew that, even the prophecy.

Ellie cries out again, and Lexi winces. Jonathan... Is dead. The prophecy is coming true.


Sera walks the short distance from them slowly. She looked deadly as she walked towards the girl, glaring. The girl's head darts up.

"Get away from my boyfriend, witch." Sera hisses. The girl backs away slowly, her eyes growing wide. The night seems to light up suddenly.

"S-Sera," Claire whispers. "You're glowing."

Sera looks down at herself in shock, seeing that her skin is lit up like gold. She shakes her head, focusing again on the girl. The girl tries to transport, but Sera's hand shoots out and grabs her by the neck. She makes a strangled noise as Sera looks into her golden eyes.

"Sera! Don't kill her!" Andy screams, running up to them.

Sera looks up, seeing all the faces staring at her. She sighs, dropping the girl to the ground. Nalin gasps on the ground and she drops to her knees next to him. Placing her hands over the wound, her glow fades until it's just her hands. Nalin gasps again, but this time in relief as Sera takes the pain out of him. He props himself up with some difficulty and puts his hand on the side of her face.

"I love you, Sera. This can't wait any longer." He struggles to sit up more as he takes a small box out of his pocket. Sera knows what it is immediately and it makes tears well up in her eyes.

"Seraphina Reid, you are beautiful, graceful, talented, and amazing. I've knew from the moment I met you that I was in love. But I never knew how much I need you and how much I couldn't live without you before all of this. So, will you marry me?" Nalin says, emotion choking up his voice. He's not even done before Sera's nodding, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes! Yes! Of course I will marry you! I love you more than anything in the world, Nalin!" He opens the box, revealing the pink heart-shaped ring inside. He quickly slips it over her finger. Sera smiles at him, trying to wipe the tears aside. Finally, she just gives up and throws her arms around his neck. His arms around her feel solid and safe.

For a moment.

"Ugh, guys," a voice calls behind them. "I hate to interrupt this really sweet moment, but if we don't get moving, we still might die."

Sera looks back to see Jonah running towards them, Caralynn, Ellie, and Lexi behind him. Ellie wipes her face, Lexi having to almost carry her. Sera understands immediately by the missing member of their group. Without a word, they follow Jonah into the woods. He seems to know where he's going as he urges them to hurry.

They get to a clearing just in time to see Izzy. She smiles at them, one of her eyes golden, one jade green. There are tears streaming down her face, though. Sera looks over to see Josh's body. He wasn't moving. Suddenly, Izzy isn't looking at them. She turns as if someone's called her name.

"Josh..." Jonah silently whispers.

"I'm sorry," Izzy whispers. It looks like an invisible force is... Kissing her? She squeezes her eyes closed and throws her arm around the force as it starts to appear.

'Jonah was right!' Sera thinks. 'It is Josh!'

Suddenly, a blinding light shoots out of them, chasing away the darkness that had fallen over the world. No one can see as it consumes the darkness. Sera hears screams, but still can't see. After as few minutes, it fades. Izzy's lying on the ground. Josh is moving. The Darkness is gone. They can hear cheers coming from the school as they rush forward.

"Izzy!" Sera grabs Izzy, shaking her. Izzy only opens her eyes a little as Josh runs over to them and smiles.

"It's over," Izzy smiles a second more before passing out.


Sorry, I know this isn't very good xP but at least it's better than them all dying, right? Maybe? No?

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