Chapter 19-

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Chapter 19-

Okay, here's the bad news. It was torture being in in-school suspension. They wouldn't let us do anything so we just sat around being bored. And we weren't allowed to talk most of the time. The quiet was so piercing that I felt like I was having a panic attack. I was about to scream. The second day we were in there, I snuck my headphones in and it was a little better.

The third day, we got moved to Caralynn's aunt's classroom. She had volunteered to take off to keep us. It was much better in there. So, here's the good news. She gave us snacks, she had three couches, and she allowed us to talk and watch TV. How bad could that be?

Now, on the fourth day, I pop myself a coke, grab the popcorn out of the microwave and hop on the couch next to Josh. He puts his arm around me and I smile a him. It was now official. Josh and I were dating. And, to be honest, he was my first boyfriend. No one had really been right before him.

"All right, who took my Skittles?" Andy asks when he arrives back to his seat. He hands Samantha her Sprite before giving us looks.

"All right, here," Ellie says, tossing him the bag. He catches it, popping a handful into his mouth.

"Now I see why you're hair is rainbow," he smirks, speaking as he chews the Skittles.

Ellie sticks her tongue out at him. Lexi sighs.

"I'm gonna miss being in here." She says.

"Yeah, why can't we be punished more?" Luke asks, running his hand through his black hair.

"Hey, be positive. We still have tomorrow. And I really need to talk to you guys about something." I say. I still hadn't got a chance to tell them about what happened the night we got in trouble. I now start to tell them, telling about the first attack in my bedroom then Reaper and Jezebel. They sit, silent and listening.

Sera's the first one to speak after I'm done. "What are we going to do?"

Everyone thinks, looking around at all we have to lose. I have everything to lose. These people- my new friends- are all I have. My new family. If I lost them, I would be lost.

"We have to tell someone," Jonathan suggests, hugging Ellie closer. Luke slips his hand into Lexi's and her cheeks turn red. Everyone has someone they care about that could be lost if the school is attacked.

I sigh. "Looks like I have to face the dragon," I say, meaning my grandfather. I have to tell him. It was my little act of braveness, and of course someone has to ruin it (I'm not gonna say who).

"But we don't have any dragons at the school," someone says stupidly, not understanding. I sigh again.

"I mean I have to tell my grandfather. I'll go after we get out today."

"Want me to go with you?" Josh asks, knowing how much I dislike my grandfather.

"I think I'm gonna have to do this alone."


A few hours later, I'm standing in front of my grandfather's office. My hand reaches towards the door again, but I jerk it back. Should I really do this? I have to. My hand twitches as I bring it up to the doorknob. I jerk it back. This continues for a while, me debating and jerking my hand back. Finally, I just sigh, deciding to leave. I turn around when I hear the door creak open.

I look back, expecting my grandfather to be there, but he's not. Nobody's there as the door creaks open by itself. Could it be some sort of... Magic? No, it has to just be the door. It's just old. But, that doesn't stop me from being drawn to the door. Could there be something in there that could help?

I step into the office. That old smell hits me as I start towards the filing cabinet. I don't know what I'm looking for but it's like my hands have a mind of their own as they tug open the bottom drawer. I lift out all the files, placing them beside me. I feel along the back of the cabinet until my fingers lift it out. There's a safe in the back with a new looking keypad to type in four digits. I run my finger over it, thinking about all the numbers I could put in there. First, I try my dad's birth year, hoping he still cares that much. The thing buzzes, blinking red. A message flashes along.

"Two more tries before lockdown." Lockdown?! Should I even be doing this? I'm about to stop when my fingers start typing again. My birth year. I know he might not care, but I still secretly hope. The red light flashes and the buzzing seems to grow louder.

"One more try before lockdown." Dang it! I should just give up...

But my fingers don't give up. They rub against the Raven Academy crest below it with the year the school was opened. Wait... The year the school was opened!

I type it in slowly, hesitating on the last number. I could still stop. I could still get out of here. I shake my head, preparing myself as I hit the last number. It doesn't do anything for a second and I wait for it to start sounding an alarm. Then, the light flashes green.

"Access granted." The little screen reads as the safe pops open. I pull it open the rest of the way and a dusty file falls out. I swat the dust aside as I pull out the file. Flipping through it, I can see some papers white, crisp, and new. Others are yellowed and crumpled with age. What is this?

I slip the file into my jacket, closing the safe and fixing the files like they were. Just in time, because when I stand up, my grandfather walks in.

"Isabel," he says, surprised. "How did you get in here?"

"The door was open," I say, not knowing if I should tell the truth. The door opened for me.

"Oh, well, I could have sworn I locked it..."

"It's probably just an old door," I suggest. He looks back at it a while before nodding.

"Yes, that must be it. So, what brings you to my office today?" He asks, gesturing to a seat across from his desk.

"I wanted to ask you about something." I say, sitting down.

"And what would that be? Can you please make it fast? I have some very important business to attend to."

"This is important too. Has anyone ever made a threat against the school?" I decide not to tell him about the attacks.

He freezes, sliding his dark eyes over me. "A few times. Why?"

"Oh," I say, trying to think of something. "I just wanted to make sure the school was safe. I've been hearing some weird stuff."

"I'm sure some kids were just making things up. Raven Academy is one of the safest and most guarded schools in the world." Guarded? Is that fat old man supposed to be a guard?

"Are you sure? There's nothing you're not telling me? No threats recently?" I say before I can stop myself. Crap, please don't be suspicious....

Instead, he offers me what I think is supposed to be a smile and pats my hand in what I think is supposed to be comforting. I jerk my hand back and his eyes harden again.

"No, I have not heard any threats recently. I can assure you, the school is very safe." He says. "Now, if there's nothing else, I must get to work on some more important matters."

I take that as my cue to leave. I close the door behind,e, hearing it firmly lock in place. What the heck? I just shake my head as I walk back to my room to find Sera already asleep.

Maybe Grandfather wasn't lying... The threat could be just that. A threat. Nothing's going to happen to the school, I assure myself. I'm pretty sure nothing's going to happen.

That was before I opened the file.


What's going to be in the file? Stay tuned to find out!! Also, look over to the side! I made a trailer! Yay! It's not as good as my others, but I hope you like it:3

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