Final Characters

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I'm sorta having a hard time adding a bunch of new characters so no new characters from this point on. I mean, if you already have a character and would like to add a boyfriend/girlfriend for that character, you can. But if you don't already have a character, sorry. So these are the final characters~~



Name: Isabel Raven

Age: almost 16

Year: First (new)

Appearance: Light auburn hair with bright jade green eyes. Very tall and likes to wear light colors

Powers: Control of the elements, invisibility/intangiblility, healing (sometimes without knowing it), can talk to animals, and can levitate

Favorite weapons: Throwing stars and throwing knives

Any family members attending the school?: No

Personality: Quiet and nice but can be snappy

Fears: Spiders and her powers (at first)

Likes: Chocolate and history

Backstory (optional): Parents died two months ago in car accident. She survived the car accident miraculously with only a few scratches. Was sent to live with grandfather and he sent her to Raven Academy for the Extraordinary.

Other: Favorite color is gray, her grandfather is the Headmaster, and she prefers to be called Izzy

Name: Seraphina Reid

Age: 17

Year: Fourth

Appearance: Long,Wavy brown hair, blue eyes. Likes to be fashionable, usually wears skirts/dresses and mainly bright colours.

Powers: Fire, Has very strong healing abilities, can transform to have butterfly wings to use for flight,

Favorite Weapons: Who needs weapons when you have fire?

Any Family Members?: What family? If a boyfriend counts, sure.

Personality: Somewhat quiet, but can rise to the occasion. Is usually seen as the person to come to when something goes wrong.

Fears: Being lonely, losing the person closest to her (Nalin)

Likes: Discovering her powers more every day

Backstory: Has always been alone. She has never known any family and has no idea where she comes from. Really knows what lonely is and never wants to feel it again. Has know Nalin for 4 years.

Other: Talented Musician, can play any instrument thrown her way. Most people call her Sera.

-NAME: Ellie Crimson

-AGE: 15 -YEAR: First

-APPEARANCE: blond hair with rainbow tips and crystal blue eyes. Wears skinny blue jeans and neon colored shirts. (Mainly neon green) and black converse. Her hair is usually straight and layered, her bangs pulled back to the side I her head with a black cross barrette. Has large white wings that she keeps hidden under a black leather jacket.

POWERS: can fly, read minds, breathe under water, water and earth bend.

FAVORITE WEAPONS: Axes, hatchets, bow and arrows.

FAMILY: twin sister Lexi

PERSONALITY: Happy all the time. Can be serious when needed though. Always looks in the bright side of things.

FEARS: tornados and hurricanes or big natural disasters.

LIKES: cupcakes and sweet things. Love to fly and be with her sister. Lives to play the guitar and harmonize with her sister while singing.

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