Chapter 13-

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Chapter 13-

We finally crash through the trees into the Power Education room. The chimera follows us, it's growl sending people running and screaming. Only a few people stay to fight the beast. Ellie takes to the air as Josh sinks into the ground. And I just stand there, trying to make my frozen brain work as the Chimera runs towards me. Surprisingly, my brain seems to react.

I leap into the air, only I don't fall back down. Instead the air seems to keep me aloft. But I can't go up very far. I just levitate in the air as the chimera circles under me.

"My lunch wishes to play a game?" It asks me, laughing in a rumbling way. I try to make myself go higher, but I can't. I look out and see the fear in everyone's eyes as I struggle. The chimera starts to open it's mouth- the monster's mouth is big enough to swallow me whole- and I can already feel the flames. I close my eyes for a second, giving up. I don't want to see myself die.

I hear all the voices of my friends call out "Izzy!" in terror. They know what's coming as well as I do. I just sit and wait, time slowing as I open my eyes again. The fire shoots towards me, as many people rush forward to help. But I know they won't get here in time. Then, as time speeds up, something hits me as fast as a bullet, dragging me up.

I look up, startled. Lexi has ahold of my arm, struggling to keep us both in the air, away from the fire. But she dips down just a little... And it's enough for the chimera's fire to reach us. Lexi cries out in pain and we start circling down as Lexi fights to keep us in the air. I look up and see her wing has been burned on the end, feathers and all. Her face finally goes slack as she passes out from the pain. We hit the ground rather hard. The chimera laughs at us as he stalks forward.

Everyone runs to reach us, but again, it's too late. The fire shoot's forward, engulfing Lexi and I. I hold my hands out as if to protect myself as I brace myself for the flames. But... They never come. I open my eyes and see that the flames stop once they reach my hands. I'm controlling them. I can't help the small smile starting to play on my face.

I get out of the crouch I'd fallen into, and I start to walk towards the chimera through the fire. I can just imagine what I must look like emerging from the flames. They whip at my skin but I don't feel them. Everyone jumps back, shocked. Even the chimera.

Throwing my hand in from of me, the flames explode around me towards the chimera. They swirl around us until all I can see is the chimera and the beautiful red, oranges, and yellows. I make sure no one can come in and the chimera can't get out.

"What're you waiting for?" I yell at it over the rush of the flames. Or it might just be the rush of blood in my ears because I'm getting very tired at this point. The only thing keeping me going is pure adrenaline.

The chimera growls at me, obviously thinking about my offer.

"I'm sorry, human, but I must not eat you today. My master calls." He says.

"Wait, what? Master? Do you work for someone?" It's hard to imagine a goat-lion-serpant thing working for someone.

"Master says I can't eat you today. Maybe later. Or maybe once Raven Academy is gone, he'll let me snack on your friends."

Raven Academy gone?! What the heck is this crazy monster talking about?!

"Goodbye," the creature almost smirks as it runs at me. I throw the fire in front of myself to protect me. I hear a hiss and when I extinguish the flames, the chimera is gone. I don't know if I killed it or... It just disappeared back to it's master.

Everyone still gaps at me as I turn towards the still burning jungle. I lift both my arms up and the water rises out of one of the pools, falling over where I direct it. After all the flames are out, it falls back into the pool like it never left. Turning back to my audience, I bow.

Everyone is still frozen. Ellie's the first one to break.

"Lexi!" She screams, running towards her injured sister. I run after her, wincing as I take in the damage. The end of her pure black wing is completely burned off. Ow. Lexi breathes shallowly like it hurts to even do that. "No, no, no, no..." Ellie whimpers.

"Here..." I say. "Let me try this..."

I kneel next to Lexi, acting on instinct. I hold my hand just above her hurt wing. My hand begins to glow a soft yellow and it gets warm as Lexi's wing starts to heal before my eyes. Finally, it's fixed. Everyone still stares at me as if I'm from another planet.

And what do I do after all this? Of course, I lose consciousness.


No picture now because my iPad won't let me put one up:( the next chapter is coming soon! I have everything planned out! Now we're getting into the good stuff! COMMENT!!! VOTE!!!

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