Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8-

This school is crazy. I'm crazy. SOMETHING! None of this can be real!

My thoughts bounce around in my head painfully as I stare from my crumpled up to-do list to the clock. 3:45. Sera should be back soon. My head throbs as I try to keep from ripping my head open. Did I get a concussion or something when my head hit the ceiling?

I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes. Still, the increasing pain in my head doesn't go away. I wince as I open my eyes to the bright light. Touching my head to see if I have a fever, I jerk my hand back. My forehead is on fire while my hand is freezing. I touch it with my other hand, actually feeling ice crack off of it. What's going on? What's happening to me?

Just then, it feels like someone drives a knife into my temple. I jerk up in bed and look in the direction my senses tell me to. The small fireplace tucked into the corner. Legs appear in fireplace. Then, a boy with dark hair ducks under into the room. He looks around the room while I stay frozen. Then, his eyes find mine. They glint darkly as another jolt of pain shoots through my head. It's him. I don't know how but he's causing this headache.

And he doesn't talk. He just slinks forward as I scramble back on my bed. He still does't talk, just holds up one dark, scarred hand. And the room is consumed in darkness. I jump up, struggling for my eyes to adjust and see something. Light doesn't even come in through the window. Is it possible he blacked out the world? I feel a cold hand brush my arm and I jerk it back. That boy. The boy with the scarred hands. He's after me. This time, the hand grabs my arm tightly, jerking my towards somewhere. I cry out in pain as lightning seems to shoot up and down my arm. I don't want to be afraid but the darkness seems to surround me, suffocating me...

Then, there's a tiny light. The boy cries out in pain as the light spreads to the bookshelf. Fire. I back away from it as there's a knock on the door.

"Izzy?" Sera's muffled voice calls through the door. She bangs on it until she finally throws the door open. And the light comes back. "Izzy, what the heck is going on?!"

I look back at the bright room, wincing at the brightness. The boy is gone. The horrible darkness is gone. But I know he was there because I can still feel the ghost of my horrible headache. And the fire. The fire's still there, spreading on the bookshelf.

"My music books!" Sera screams. Without even seeming to think about what she's doing, she points her hand towards the flames and squeezes her hand into a fist. The flames go out as if they were never there. This doesn't even seem to surprise me as she rushes over to me. I didn't even realize it, but I'm crying. My shoulders shake with the sobs I try to hold in. I collapse on the floor.

"Izzy! Izzy! Are you okay? What happened?" She shakes my shoulders and forces me to stare right into her face. But I look past her as images flash in front of my eyes.

Josh always seeming to disappear and reappear. Nalin almost saying something. Caralynn closing the door without touching it. Sera, just now, putting out a fire and repairing the damage with just a wave of her hand. The people at this school aren't just special. They're extraordinary. And, with a shock, I realize I'm one of them.

"Izzy!" Sera sighs, clearly out of patience. "What. Happened?!"

I finally look at her. She looks worried beyond belief. But I don't care at the moment.

"What are you?" I whisper and she flinches. "What am I? What are these kids that go to this crazy school?"

She takes a deep breath, clearly thinking about what to tell me.

"Sera, I swear to God, you better tell me..."

"Fine." She whispers, her eyes fierce. "We're Supernaturals. People gifted with powers."

I just stare at her, daring her to tell me she's kidding. But the look in her eyes tells me she's not. And I've seen enough. I've had enough.

I stand up and push past her, desperate to get out of here.

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