Chapter 17-

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Okay, this is the last snippet I have. Please, people who didn't write one, you can still do it! It's optional but it could help me know your character better!!!!


Chapter 17-

Josh 's POV~

I back into the closet, where my teacher is telling us to stay down. Terrorists, bombs, death, all of theses words and more cross the closet as another explosion goes off. I turn and see Sarah, her eyes wide with fear, and grab her hand.

"Josh, we have to use our powers," she whispers, gripping my hand, "We can save them."

"No! Sarah, we can't. We'd be turned into expierments and," she stops me and stares into my eyes with feirce determination.

"I know. Josh, I'm scared. We may not live through this if we fight. But, if we don't fight and survive, I'd never be able to live with myself."

I breathe in and, with everything in me screaming no, I say, "Ok. Let's do this."

Just I say this, the door bursts open and a tall, tanned man with a AK47 jumps in and smiles, "Well, well. What do we have here?"

My teacher steps in front of us, pushing children behind her, "I won't let you touch them!"

"Oh really?" the man says, and squeezes the trigger, bullets flying out at my teacher. But not before I throw my hand in front of her.

And the bullets freeze. In mid-air.

"You are going to regret being born," I growl as I pop my hand, and the bullets fly staright back into him. His partner gasps, and aims the barrel at me. But Sarah jumps out and kicks the gun, then emmits a sonic wave from her hand that shatters the gun and sends the man flying.

"Lets go!" Sarah shouts and we take off, side by side. We turn into the hallway, where two men are waiting. I launch myself at the first and take him out with a powerful kick to his jaw. Sarah chops her man in the throat, then kicks him right in the temple, knocking him out cold. We may have never played sports, but we both had been taking self-defense classes since we were five. These guys were doomed.

We make it to the lobby, where a group of our classmates and good friends are gathered in a circle with large tubes of liquid forming to gas. The roof is gone, with fire eating at the walls. The sounds of bombs echo from the town.

"Josh! Why, isn't nice to have you here? I was just about to finish my expieriment on your friends! Especially since you ruined my last one saving your girlfriend," a tall man in a lab coat snarls, his eyes blood red.

"Let them go," I growl, and the men laugh. Strike one. Then, they grabbed their guns. Strike two. And lastly, he unleashed the gas. Strike three.

I fling out my hand, and wind rips through the halls and slam them against the wall. Storm clouds being to form above us, thunder rumbling. Sarah runs to our friends and shatters the lock, then pushes them to the hallway.

Two men act brave and come at me with two daggers each. I smile, and rip the daggers away with a flick of my hand. Then, I let my mind slip into theirs, and they collapse in sheer pain. Telepathy; not just for reading minds.

I twist my hand, and water lifts from a broken pipe and freezes at the tip to form a small blade. I slash one man across the chest, and ram the ice blade into another's knee.

Black cars role up and release more men. I lift up my hand, and pop it towards the cars. Two lightning bolts strike down, joining at the middle, and enialates the cars in one bright, hot explosion.

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