Chapter 11-

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Chapter 11-

I feel like such a baby. I'm always running. Always trying to get away from something.

I sit in my room, debating whether or not to go to class. I don't really want to face any of my friends again. But... It is my first day. My grandfather would probably come looking for me if I didn't go. So, I take a deep breath and try to focus on surviving the rest of the day, not the images still flashing through my head.


Third period. Science of the Arts. Seriously, what the heck does that mean? I'm still thinking about it when I walk into the classroom. Of course Sera, Nalin, Samantha, and Andy are in there. I grudgingly sit down with them.

"Are you okay?" Sera whispers to me as the teacher, a middle aged man with huge glasses, comes in.

I nod and purse my lips as I look to Samantha. Her eyes are still red from crying. I sigh.

"Oh my gosh, Izzy." She starts. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to show you that memory. I was just focusing on one of the strongest and most recent. I thought it was like you were on a date or something. But... But not that! I didn't mean to show you your parents getting-" She says all in one breath.

"It's fine." I say, grinding my teeth together. I hold up my hand when it looks like she's about to say more. "Seriously, it's fine. I'm fine. You don't have to-"

"Girl in the back," the teacher cuts off in his deep voice. "Please stop talking. Oh, I haven't seen you before." He sticks his nose in some papers then pulls it back out.

"Ah, you must be Isabel Raven, Headmaster Raven's granddaughter. Well, here's what we're working on this semester."

He hands me the biggest book I've ever seen. It makes a loud smack on the desk as dust wafts everywhere. I sneeze from the amount of dust, trying to get it away from my face. The people around me cough.

"How old are these?" I ask, bewildered. The textbooks at my old school were shiny and bright. They were big, but not THIS big!

"Hm." The teacher has to think about this. "I think they've been around about a hundred years. I was very excited when we got them. Newest thing at this school."

He turns away from me as I gape at him. Sera leans over and whispers in my ear.

"That's Mr. Dawn. One of his powers is immortality."

"IMMORTALITY?! How the heck did he get that?!"

Sera shrugs. "He can die but he never ages."

I look after the middle aged man, trying to imagine living forever. Must get boring after a while.

Mr. Dawn reads out of the textbooks some, listing magic items and creatures. I just listen, my mouth hanging open most of the time. By the time class is done, I think my mouth is permanently stuck that way.


I think I enjoy history the most. It has no one I know in it but Josh. I sit by him and try to talk to him, but the teacher comes in.

Mrs. Finley, my new history teacher, is an old woman who smiles a lot. Apparently she didn't like the no using powers rule either because she came into the classroom sitting cross-legged in the air and reading a book. Again, I try to make out the title but it's Latin.

"Good afternoon, class." She says in her British accent, smiling at us.

She starts talking about both the history of the mortal world and the Supernatural world. She talks about Greek mythology and it's relation to us. That the "gods" were actually immortal Supernaturals that used there powers to make the mortals worship them. I think of Mr. Dawn. I guess that's one interesting thing you could do to pass the time.

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