Chapter 11 - The Return of the First Stringer

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Dun, Dun, Dun!!!!!!


sorry!! ^^

Enjoy!!! ^^


Rika's POV

Its been a week since the black jersey team came back. They stayed at the same court, Court 2.

Everything seems to go well right now. Currently I'm walking with Irie and Oni towards the cafeteria for lunch.

"Anyways, are you sure we should be together like this? Wont Fuji-kun be jealous?" Irie ask.

"He wont! We trust each other! Anyways he cant right now.... Tsuge-san is too strict. They're even in the top 5 court...Give them a chance" I pout.

Irie chuckled.

"Well, My treat then" Irie said.

I nod. I look towards the front and frozed.

Third Person's POV

Rika suddenly stop walking. Irie and Oni stop and look at her.

"Rika-chan? Rika-coach?" Irie waved his hand in front of her.

She suddenly shifted herself behind Irie and grabbed his shirt from behind.

"Irie and Oni huh?" A voice said.

They look and saw a fairly blond guy, around his eighteen with another group of guys.

"Byodoin, you're back...." Oni said.

"hmph! The match is all useless. All of them are weak!" Byodoin the blond guy said and went into the main building. Probably to see the coaches.

Rika, still behind Irie tremble.

"Echizen? Oi, Echizen!" Oni tried to snap her out of it, but she didn't budge.


They both turn to see the Court 3 team there. Yukimura, Fuji, Atobe, Shiraishi.... Some from the Court 2 as well.

"Fuji-kun, Rika-chan suddenly became like that and I didn't know why" Irie said.

Fuji look at her, eyes shut, trembling in fear.

"Rika-chan..." Fuji touch her.

She flinch slightly and shift to hold onto him.

"....Syusuke.....Ryoma....Where's Ryoma...?" She ask in a quiet yet in a tone where she's about to break.

"Echizen? I'm not sure...Rika, are you okay?" Fuji ask in concern.

She turn to Sanada who's beside Yukimura.

"Sanada, You're in the same court....Where is he?!" She ask, a little bit of a panic in her voice.

She look at Sanada, her eyes... On the verge of tears...

"Knowing him, He might be in the court still practising" Sanada answered.

Rika wanted to run there but Fuji grabbed her arm, pull her and embrace her.

"Rika, Calm down....Calm down. Nothing's gonna happen to Echizen. You just need to calm down..." Fuji comfort her.

''Nothing's gonna happen to Echizen?' What does that suppose to mean?' Atobe who's been quiet all this while thought.

"Syusuke...I'm scared....I'm scared..." She whispered.

Fuji frown as well as Eiji who's been quiet as well.

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